Uganda 1945-2017

  • Owen Dam Built

    Owen Dam Built
    An Egyptian and Ugandan water agreement led to the construction of Uganda’s Owen Falls Dam and authorized Egyptian engineers to monitor Nile water releases.
  • Uganda Becomes a Self Governing Country

    Uganda Becomes a Self Governing Country
    Uganda's First Prime Minister Benedicto Kiwanuka leads Uganda to become a Self Governing Country from British Ruling.
  • Ugandan Elephants are Becoming Endangered

    Ugandan Elephants are Becoming Endangered
    In Uganda some 14,300 elephants were in the Murchison Falls National Park by 1973. By 1980 only 1,400 were left.
  • Abduction Led by Joseph Kony

    Abduction Led by Joseph Kony
    In 1992, Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's Resistance Army Kidnapped 44 girls from schools to be used as laborers and fighters.
  • Sudan Leaves Uganda

    Sudan Leaves Uganda
    Uganda broke off ties with Sudan.
  • School Fees are Abolished

    School Fees are Abolished
    Uganda abolished fees for primary education and enrollment almost doubles in a year.
  • AIDS Outbreak

    AIDS Outbreak
    Up to 20% of the residents of Kampala, the capital, were infected with AIDS.
  • Killing In Refugee Camps

    Killing In Refugee Camps
    In Uganda more than 90 Sudanese refugees were killed in a camp 220 miles north of Kampala. The Lord’s Resistance Army was blamed.
  • Orphans Due to AIDS

    Orphans Due to AIDS
    By UN definition, 11% of the children were orphans due to AIDS.
  • Madeleine Albright Donates 2.2 million

    Madeleine Albright Donates 2.2 million
    US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright pledged $2.2 million for World Vision, a center that cares for abducted children, and a $2 million grant for Lacor Hospital, where many children receive treatment.
  • Villagers Abducted for Food

    Villagers Abducted for Food
    It was reported that rebels in western Uganda, who were short of food, had abducted a number of villagers and resorted to cannibalism.
  • Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya announce to become Allies

    Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya announce to become Allies
    Three African nations, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, announced plans for an economic, political and social union.
  • Vaccines to be Tested in Uganda

    Vaccines to be Tested in Uganda
    Scientists led by Robert Gallo announced plans for an oral AIDS vaccine to be tested in Uganda for less than $1 per dose.