• 1951

    Treaty of Paris
  • 1957

    Treaties of Rome
  • 1965

    Signature of fusion treaty
  • 1973

    Accession of UK, Denmark and Ireland
  • 1981

    Accession of Greece
  • 1986

    Accession of Spanish and Portugal
  • 1992

    Treaty of Maastricht
  • 1995

    Accession of austria, sweden and finland
  • 1997

    Treaty of Amsterdam
  • 2001

    Treaty of Nizza
  • 2002

    Introduction of Euro
  • 2004

    Costitutional treaty
  • 2007

    Treaty of Lisbona
  • 2007

    Accession of Bulgaria and romania
  • 2013

    Accession of Croatia
  • 2020

    The UK left the UE