U7A1: Prelude to Civil War

  • Period: to

    Prelude to Civil War

  • Tariff of 1828

    Tariff of 1828
    President Adams as a way to promote manufacturing proposed a tariff on importing amounting to about 50% of its value and people who advocated states rights thought the federal government was favoring one group over the other because the North had more manufacturing than the south so it affected the south heavily economically this gave fear that the government could pass anything and undermine the south and even abolish slavery which started the fear from the south having their slave taken
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Compromise of 1850 was a compromise made over the highly debated topic of whether the new western territories would be free or slave states the south/democrats wanted to have them all be slave states while the north / free soil party wanted to keep the new territorys from becoming slave states so a compromise was written making Califonia a free state and the Utah and New Mexico territory was allowed to decide for themselves the fugitive slave law was also passed making it so if slaves.........
  • Kansas – Nebraska Act

    Kansas – Nebraska Act
    Douglas in an uproar from the south over the Missouri Compromise line that divided the north and south territories south being a slave state and the north being a free state preventing any states over that line would not be slave states and being free states the south believed that the northern areas should decide if slavery should be their themselves well the Kansas – Nebraska Act allowing the Nebraska and Kansas territories choose if they wanted to be a slave state or free and the act......
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    Dred Scott was a slave who when traveling with his slave owner entered a free state upon leaving Dred tried to buy himself and his family freedom after the slaveholder refused he took him to the federal court Dred argued that since he entered a free state that he should be freed the court ruled in favor of Dred but after an appeal from his owner Sanford the cohort reversed it Dred then took this to the supreme court they also said that he was still a slave and then even went as far as..........
  • John Brown and Harper’s Ferry

    John Brown and Harper’s Ferry
    John Brown was a radical abolitionist who felt that violence was what was gonna lead to the abolition of slavery believing this John John and a militia attempted to raid an armory in harpers ferry to start a revolution of freed slaves but then he ended up surrendering and being hung and 17 men were killed this was probably the thing that triggered the civil war as it was a mainstream example of violence besides bloody Kansas and this brought about talk of secession from the south while the....