U3A1 The Road to Revolution

  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Victorious Great Britain is massively in debt from the war, looking for ways to make up the debt. One idea was creating the Stamp Act. "Anyone who used or purchased anything on paper had to buy a revenue stamp," ("5.2 Stamp Act"). Many Americans opposed the Stamp Act of 1765. Famous organizations like the 'Sons of Liberty' & the 'Daughters of Liberty' are created. These organizations promoted the boycotting of English goods, and influenced the opinion of many American Colonists.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Lord Rockingham is replaced by (an elderly man) George lll (but Charles Townshend does many of his duties). Townshend creates the Townshend Acts tp raise revenue from the colonies. The Revenue Act places duties on goods like paper, paint, & tea. The Indemnity Act exempted tea produced by the British East India Co. from taxes. (Many believed this was corrupt.) The Admiralty Court Act created 3 courts/juries in the colonies. Many people became very vocal about these political & controversial acts.
  • Partial Repeal & Boston Massacre

    Partial Repeal & Boston Massacre
    Tension between Great Britain and the colonists grow, and the Boston Massacre happens, and 5 lives are lost due to this. The Parliament is heavily pressured to loosen their restriction and taxes on the colonies. Charles Townshend dies suddenly and is replaced by Lord North. North convinces Parliament to drop all restrictions except the tea tax (called the Partial Repeal). American colonists feel some victory, and their calling for liberty and freedom continues to only grow.
  • Boston Tea Destruction

    Boston Tea Destruction
    "On December 16, just as the Dartmouth’s deadline approached, townspeople gathered at the Old South Meeting House determined to take action" ('5.4 The Destruction of the Tea and the Coercive Acts"). The Sons of Liberty disguised as Mohawks and dumped nearly a million dollars worth of tea (from 3 ships) into the harbor. This action showed their protest against the corrupt British Tea Act. Great British is appalled and wants repayment.
  • Coercive Acts/First Continental Congress

    Coercive Acts/First Continental Congress
    Many colonists feel the need to take action, after the punishing Coercive Acts (consequences from the Boston Tea Destruction) are made and the First Continental Congress is formed as a result. It was made of elected representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies. Paul Revere rode from Massachusetts to Philadelphia with the Suffolk Resolves which become the basis for the Declaration & Resolves of the First Continental Congress. The colonists begin their journey moving away from the British Authority.