Missouri Compromise
In the Missouri Compromise, the main issue was whether new states would be admitted as free or slave states. In the Missouri Compromise, the North and South were impacted differently because it affected the balance of power in Congress. The Missouri Compromise increased tensions by making slavery a national political issue. -
Nullification Crisis
The main issue is state vs national government rights. Both sides were impacted by this event. This increased tensions because the states were fighting for state rights. -
The compermise of 1850
If California became a free state, there would be fewer slave states than free states. When California because a free state Texas became a slave state. It cause popular sovereignty. -
The Fugitive Slave Act
Accused fugitives could be arrested without a warrant. Slaves were impacted in this act because even if the free slaves in the north were found or cought they have to go to the south and be a slave and the people in the north were also affected by this because they didn't like slavery and they were being forced to turn in slaves. This event increased tensions because the north didn't like that they had to turn in slaves and that the south could just come take slavs from the north. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
The main issue that this highlighted was how bad slavey was. The north was the most impacted with this because it changed their perspective of slvery. This event increased tensions because the north was really slavery is not good and the south was trying to hide how bad the slaves were being treated. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The main issue is popular sovereignty. The people that are most impacted were the people that lived in Kansas-Nabraska because they have to chose if they are a slave state or free state. This caused tenssion because some people will want it a free state and others will want it a slave state. -
Bleeding Kansas and the Pottawatomie Massecre
The main issue was that John Brown believed that violence was the awnser to end slavery and that it started a civil war. This impacted everyone because there was a war going on. This increased tensions because now people were in a war over slavery. -
Dred Scott Decision
The main issue of this event is that Dred Scott thinks he should be free and his slave owner thinks he is still a slave. People who believed both sides and wanted to put their thoughts in were impacted by this event. This event increased tensions because some people were on Scotts side and the other people were and the side with the slave owner. -
John Brown's Raid and Trial
The main issue of this event is slavery. The south and the north were impacted because John Brown was tryin arm slaves and get them to fight for freedom. This event increased tensions because it bassiclly started a war. -
The Election of Abraham Lincoln
The main issue was that Lincoln was trying to change slavery. Everyone was impacted by this event. This increase tension because the north wanted to stay free and the south wanted to stay as slave states.