
U.S. Imperialism Timeline By: Allie Trowsdale

  • The Monroe Doctrine

    The Monroe Doctrine
    Photo: The Monroe Doctrin
    The Monroe Doctrine was first Stated at President James Monroe's Sate of the Union Address. The document was intended to tell Europe that the free American countries are not available to be colonized. If one was to try and colonize a free American country the United States would take it as a sign of aggresion and would respond accordingly. The document was written because the U.S. wanted to keep trade with Britain who also did not want to have the Americas colonized.
  • Treaty of Wanghia

    Treaty of Wanghia
    Photo: Treaty of Wanghia
    The Treaty of Wanghia was a document that extended the trading privileges of the United States so that it is like Great Britain's. The conditions of the treaty was that Americans had certain immunities and privileges as well as more trading ports that are only available to those countries with a specific treaty. Caleb Cushing was the first American Commissioner. The US got involved because they liked the idea of cheap trade and supplies that helped boost their econoomy.
  • Opening Trade with Japan Part2

    Opening Trade with Japan Part2
    The Japanese were left to with no other option but to agree to the demands of Perry. In 1854, the Japanese signed a treaty saying that the United States Government could only trade at two ports.
    The reasons for getting involved with trade in Japan was for two reasons. The first reason was economic because they wanted to have the advantage of trading throughout Asia. The last reason for getting involved with Japan and their trade was for military reasons the more power and treaties means that m
  • Opening Trade with Japan Part1

    Opening Trade with Japan Part1
    This is the Warship that Commodore Perry took to Japan.
    On July 8th 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry from the United States Navy, commanded four Navy ships to Tokyo Harbor. Once there they held talks and forced the Japanese Government to concede to their requests. The requests included open trade and the use of the Japanese ports to the U.S. merchant ships. The Japanese could tell from the amount of weaponry and naval ships that Perry would have the upper hand in any military outbreak.
  • Ostend Manifesto

    Ostend Manifesto
    Photo Franklin Pierce
    Spain owned Cuba and the South caught wind and wanted to make a new slave states so they talked about buying it. Three ministers to various countries, one of which was Spain, created the document saying Spain had to sell Cuba "or else". Other nations heard and agreed with the US but the north was upset with President Franklin Pierce and the South chancing war for a slave state. The U.S wanted to look mire powerful by bullying Spain into selling. The reasoning was political.
  • United States Purchase Alaska Part1

    United States Purchase Alaska Part1
    This a check for 7.2 million dollars.
    On March 30, 1867 the U.S. Secretary of State, William H, Seward, got Russia to sell Alaska for a mere two cents per acre which added up to be 7.2 million dollars. Russia had been hoping to sell Alaska to the United States for a while because they were already so close to the U.S. that there was a great possibility of a territorial dispute. When Seward bought Alaska, many said he was foolish and nicknamed the massive state "Sewards Folly".
  • United States Purchases Alaska Part2

    United States Purchases Alaska Part2
    In the Klondike Gold Rush during the summer of 1897 more than one million dollars worth of gold was mined. The gold rush attract attracted settlers who made fish canneries, lumber companies, and coal/mining enterprises.
    The United States got involved with the Purchase of Alaska because it created more room for industrialization which expands the nations economy.
  • Hawaii is Taken Over

    Hawaii is Taken Over
    Photo: Queen Liliuokalani
    January 17, 1893, Hawaii's monarch was overthrown by a few buisnessmen and sugarplanters. Queen Liliuokalani had a group of thirteen members, the Safety Committee, that wanted to over throw the monarchy and become apart of the U.S. Later after a riot the U.S. sent down Navy Seals to protect the committee and fearing to much violence the queen surrendered. The U.S. was happy about gaining control of Hawiia because the military bases their would prove extremelt useful.
  • The Crisi sin Venezuela

    The Crisi sin Venezuela
    Photo: This is Guiana
    The Venezuela Crisis was between the British and the Venezuelan government over the territory Guiana. Britain wanted the territory but Venezuela did not want to give it up. The US got involeved because they felt it was a violation of their political agreement saying that European countries could not try to colonize the Americas. There was a trial held and the jury found that Britain would get a chunk of the land. The US got involved to show their Political Power.
  • Spanish American War Part2

    Spanish American War Part2
    The war was fought for three months mostly in Cuba and the Philippines. The war ended on August 12, 1898. The Treaty of Paris was signed in in Paris on the tenth of December. The Treaty stated that the Spanish empire would no longer be in control of Cuba and they would give the US the Philipines for 20 million dollars.
  • Spanish-American War Part1

    Spanish-American War Part1
    Photo: A battle between the two countries.
    The Spanish American War was between Spain and the US, who had President Mckinley at the time. The war was caused in a few ways. The first is social because Americans saw the poor conditions like the re-concentration camps and poor living conditions. The second reason was the Political reasoning. Cuba is so close to the US so it was a good place to have control and the US wanted to spread Democracy.
  • U.S. Annexes the Philippines

    U.S. Annexes the Philippines
    Photo: The two countries had to converge
    The event that made it possible for the U.S. to take control of the U.S. was the Spanish American War. The Philippines were in control of Spain but when the war ended the Treaty of Paris was signed which said that the U.S. was now in control of the Philippines. The U.S. paid 20 million dollars for it. The annexation of the Philippines was meant to be social because it made the U.S. look like saints for heloing a country in need.
  • Open Door Policy Part1

    Open Door Policy Part1
    This picture is of John Hayes who was the Secretary of State at the time of the Open Door Policy.
    In 1899 the United States initialed statements of principles for the right of equal privileges for the countries trading with China as well as supporting the administrative and territorial integrity. Many circulatory notes were handed out by John Hay, Unites States Secretary of State. The notes were distributed to Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and Russia.
  • Open Door Policy Part2

    Open Door Policy Part2
    The Open Door Policy said that each country should still have free access to a treaty port, only the Chinese could collect taxes on trade and that no country should be granted exemptions from paying harbour dues or railroad charges. The nations were wary when answering but Hay took those replies as acceptances.
    The United States got involved with the Open Door Policy for economic reasons. They wanted to use the cheaper materials and trade frrom China to make goods in order to create a profit.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    Photo: A group of some of the boxers.
    The Boxer Rebellion was in 1900 and was when the "Boxers", rebels against the spread of Japanese culture in Northern China, went on a riot and killed foreigners as well as destroying foriegn property. The riot got way out of hand so the US sent over troops to try and stop the group. The reason that the US sent troops was for a social reason. The Americans read and heard about the Boxer Rebellion and felt that something should be done.
  • Platt Amendment

    Platt Amendment
    Photo: The photo shows the convenience of having good relations with Cuba
    The Platt Amendment was an agreement made that would remove the military troops from Cuba. The Platt Amendment also made it so that their were many Cuban American relations as well as a Naval Base. The main reason the Platt Amendment was created was due to the convenient placing of a naval base and what that meant for the US military.
  • Roosevelt Corollary

    Roosevelt Corollary
    The Roosevelt Corollary was an add-on to the Monroe Doctrine. While the Doctrine had been passive and suggested no colonization of the western hemisphere, the Roosevelt Corollary said the US would use military force to create a stable enviroment in the region. While the corollary did not have alot of relation between the western hemisphere and Europe it justified the actions of the US when they helped Cuba and Venezuela. The reasoning is political because the US wants to be the biggest power.
  • Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan

    Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan
    Photo: Discrimination of Japanese
    The Gentlemen's Agreement with Japan was an agreement made between Theodore Roosevelt and the Japanese government. The agreement was that the Japanese would no longer hand out passports for emigrants going to the US. While the US said they would stop with the horrific discrimination of the Japanese. The reasoning for the involvement was social because the US citizens did not like having the Japanese because they looked different and they took the citizens' jobs.
  • Building the Panama Canal

    Building the Panama Canal
    Photo: Building the Canal
    On August 15, 1914, after ten years of back breaking work, the Panama canal was finished. Theodore Roosevelt was the President at the time and got the 1903 Treaty with Panama in order to build the 51.2 mile canal. The U.S. had complete control until 1979. The main reason that the U.S. had created the canal was due to the strategic placing of the naval bases. Now the Navy could cut through Panama instead of going around Cape Horn and cut the journey by 7,000 miles.