1798 Naturalization Act
Section 1 required applicants for citizenship to have declared intention to becoming a citizen five years prior to applicatoin, and lived in the United States 14 years when the application was admitted. This act was to be implemented on all new aliens providing they were no longer subjects of any nation the U.S. was at war with at the time of application. -
1798 Alien Friends Act
Allows the President to deport anyone he beleives is Dangerous. -
1882 Chinese Exclusion Act
Chinese werent allowed to migarte to the U.S Because the U.S beleived that they were taking too many of our jobs. -
1902 Scott Act
Extended the Chinises exclution act indefinitely -
1943 Magnuson Act
Repealed the Chinese exclution act -
Bring them home alive act
Anyone that helped the U.S soilders come home alive durning the American Vietnam War or American Korean War could become a citizen. -
fence act
a "Real" boarder made to separed the U.S from mexico