Congesspased alaw efnin wo ould becm acitze if a person wa s not born here: Citizenship was onl possible for someone wo was "a free white person". -
Period: to
1880 and 1920
25 million immigrants arrive in the U.S. from Southern and Eastern Europe -
Chinese Exclution Act of 1882
No Chinese laborer could enter the U.S. for 10 years -
Quota Act of 1921
Congress set up qotas faoin immigrants from northwestern -
Immigration Act of 1924
Expnds th quota system; immigration from any country is limited to 2% -
1965 Immigration Reform Act
Throws out the national origins system; now preference is given first to reunifying families and second to people whose skills help the U.S. -
1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act
Penalizes employers for knowingly hiring undocumented immigrants -
Immigration of 1990
set special categories for was refuges or close relatives of American citizens. -
Immigration Reform Act 1996
New law expands the U.S. border Patrol and stiffens penalties for false papers. -
The Senate voted the bill down, ending any chance of solving the immigration issue during Bush's presidency