U S History week 2

  • Period: to

    the revolution

    *focused on womens rights & womens suffrage
    * susan b anthony elizabeth cady stanton both were publisher & editor they established the rev during a period when a split was developing within the womens rights movement together they provided leadership for ending slavery in the u.s in 1963
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    harsh working condition

    *the children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for 14 hour days of work
    *women earned an average of 267$ a year nearly half of mens average of 498$
    8 employees were not entitles to a vacation sick leave unemployment compensation or reimbersment for injuries suffered in the job
  • women christian temperance union

    *wctu fought for prohibition the banning of alcoholic beverages wanted immigrants & poor city
    *frances wilard help transorm the union from a small mid-western religious group to a national organization aroused tension btw immigrants because their customs included alcohol consumption
  • james garfield

    *term was less than 4 months then he died
    *who killed him charies gilteau because he believed garfield owed him a patronage position in the diplomatic corps
    *result g was convicted of murder & hanged on june 30 , 1983 congressed passed the pendieton act
  • interstate commerce act

    *the act created a federal regulatory agency, which it changed with monitoring railroads to ensure that they implied with new regulations
    *first law to reguide private industry in us
    *the power of the act is to the railroad rates be "reasonable & just"
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    the progressive era

    *was a social & political reform during which corruption & soical differences were exposed
    *progressive era was a time of reform such as the initiative & referendum
  • red record

    *author i da b wells
    *about lynching in the u.s
    *help educate america to help stop crimes against southern americans &help start the NAACP for african american rights
  • plessy v ferguson

    *tested the constitutionality of segregation
    *supreme court ruled that the separation of races in public acommodations was legal
    *seperate but equal allowed states to maintain segregated facilities as long as they provided equal services permitted legal segregation for almost 60 years
  • the klondike gold rush

    *about 100,000 americans stampeded to the klondike in search of for only 10,000 made it
    *americans headed north to test their luck to take advantage of the second major gold rush the economy different to each group of people stores earned money from miners while the miners were not any gold claims making them lose money
  • pure food & drug act

    *the cause of the pure food & drug act was because of all the muckrakers like upton sinclair writing stories on the working conditions & how filthy the federations were
    *the power of the food & drug act is to protect the public against adulteration of food & from products identified as healthfulwithout scientific support
    *the responsibilty of tasting all foods & drugs destined for human consumption
  • the jungle

    *written by muckraking journalist upton sinclair
    focus was the human condition in the stockyards of chicago to exploit the labor of men & women of profit magnified the sickening conditions of the meat packing industry
    *as a result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous conditions each local gov. passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection act the pure food & drug act
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    social gospel

    *settlement houses like the hull house with jane adams & religous groups helped start the "social gospel movement
    *they believed that churches had duties to solve societies problems & preached salvation through service to the poor

    *name founders , ida b wells , web du bois
    *purpose of organ to ensure the political educational social & economic equ of minority group of us citizens
    *causes to make whites aware of the need fro racial equality effects first group in the us formed by people
    *african desendent to work there nights
  • 16th amendment

    *allows the congress an income tax on the people
    *its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power towards the federal gov. & away from the states progressive or advocating process & change
    *tariff tax & duty to be paid
  • 17th amendment

    *the senate of the u.s shall be composed of 2 senators from each state elected by the people there of for 6 years each senator shall have the vote
    *it changed the theory about who senators represented shifting the focus from state gov.
    *direct election system of choosing political office holded in which the vote directly ballots for the person
  • federal reserve act

    *nation needed a way to strengthen the way in which banks were run
    this act divided the nation in to 12 districts & established a central bank in each district
    *the federal reserve banks could issue new paper currencyin emergency situations & members banks could use the new currency to make loans to their customers
  • 18th amendment #2

    *temperance restraint + moderation from drinking
    *prohibition nation wide ban of alcohol
    *speak easy illicit establishments that sells alcoholic beverages
    *flapper generation of young western women in 1920s who wore short skirts bobbed hair their hair listened to jazz & flaunted their unacceptable behavior
  • 18 amendment

    *caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating americans health and causing criminal activities
    *established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the u.s by declaring the production 7 sale of alcohol illegal
    *instead of reducing crime it created massive organized crime movements & corrupted public officials who took bribes
  • 19th amendment

    *women wanted equality
    *granted women the right to vote a right known as suffrage
    *helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of american life
    *women advocated for jobs , wages , education , sex education , & birth control
  • sherman antitrust act

    *the act made to form a trust
    *the act prohibited monopolies having good competition with other companies in the industry
    *companies under the sherman act was not easy cause it didnt clealry define terms such as trust
    *turned their stock over to a group or person to control the company to have obsolete power