U.S. History Unit 4

  • The Great Awakening

    Religious revival that took place in the 1730s-1740s in Northampton, Massachusetts. It was started by Jonathan Edwards.
  • George Whitefield

    Revolutionized the style of preaching in the colonies. Spread the Great Awakening by touring the colonies and preaching to thousands that were captivated by him.
  • The Seven Years' War

    It is also know as the French and Indian War. It was a seven seas war, that was brung up by George Washington in Ohio Valley.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Prohibited settlements in any land beyond the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Stamp Act

    George Grenville implemented the stamp tax to help pay for military operations. His intentions were for Americans to pay for the cost of their defense.
  • "Intolerable Acts"

    It was considered a series of drastic measures placed in Massachusetts due to the actions taken place in the Boston Tea Party.