U.S. History Project

  • America’s acquisition of Alaska

    America’s acquisition of Alaska
    The Purchase of Alaska (happened in 1867) was purchased by William Seward from Russia for $7.2 million. Many people called it "Seward's Folly" after the U.S. bought Alaska, it was learned by many that there was an abundance of natural resources.
  • American Imperialism

    American Imperialism
    In the 1880s the U.S started to believe we needed to implement expansion. One factor to this was the Naval getting more ships, Americans wanted more economic powers and more belief in Social Darwinism.
  • The Spanish American War is delcared

    The Spanish American War is delcared
    In Cuba, the Spanish were forcing the Cubans into camps and killing many of them. The U.S. sent over the U.S.S. Maine to bring back Americans due to De Lome Letter. The U.S.S Maine exploded and Journalism took everything out of proportion. Most people in the U.S. were supporting declaring war on the Spanish. The War went on and in the end, the Treaty of Paris was signed by both sides. The Spanish freed Cuba and gave the U.S. the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico
  • U.S. takes over Hawaii

    U.S. takes over Hawaii
    08-12-1898 was the official day the United States claimed Territory to Hawaii. Before this date, the U.S. set up sugar plantations and a naval base (Peral Harbor). The U.S. realized how important the islands were, and took over Hawaii.
  • The Philippines

    The Philippines
    After the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War arose. This war took the death of 20,000 Filipino rebels, 4,000 American lives, and $400 million. After the war, the U.S. set up a Government as they did in Puerto Rico and the Philippines got independence on July 4, 1946.
  • China

    The U.S. used the Philippines to get into the rest of Asia. France, Germany, Britain, Japan, and Russia all participated in a thing called the Open Door Notes. These notes were issued by John Hay that stated all Nations share trading rights with the United States, which meant there would be no monopolies. This sparked the Boxer rebellion, in which Boxers killed hundreds of missionaries and foreigners. Within two months, international forces put down the rebellion in which thousands died.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    When Puerto Rico was given over to the United States, there was no regard for independence for the Puerto Ricans at the time. Puerto Rico was still really important to the U.S. On April 4, 1900, the Foraker Act set up a civil government and gave the military rule. In 1917, U.S. citizenship was granted to Puerto Ricans and gave them the power to elect both powers of the legislation.
  • Cuba

    After the Spanish American War, U.S. troops occupied Cuba. Many Cubans did not like this, but the troops helped them out immensely. The soldiers gave out clothes, food, helped with farming, and even organized elementary schools. After this, the Platt Amendment was passed that stated; Cuba could not make any treaties that would limit its own independence, that the U.S. has the right to intervene in Cuba, that Cuba could not go into Debt it could not repay, and that the U.S. can buy land in Cuba.
  • Theodore Roosevelt's Foreign Policy

    Theodore Roosevelt's Foreign Policy
    Theodore Roosevelt believed that the U.S. needed to be a predominant power in the Caribbean and Central America. He reminded other countries of the previous Monroe Doctrine. Then in December of 1904, he added the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine which said that the United States would use force to protect its interests in Latin America. Under Roosevelt, the U.S. got the Start of the Panama Canal and Dollar diplomacy, which guarantees loans made to other countries by Business people.
  • Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy

    Woodrow Wilson's Foreign Policy
    In 1913, Wilson spoke on the Monroe Doctrine. He stated his Policy was that he did not recognize any government that did not have the same viewpoints as the U.S., which before this stated that the U.S. recognized a government that controlled a nation, not discriminating. Wilson developed a "watchfully waiting" which was looking for an opportunity to stick against Huerta (Wilson did not support). Wilson intervened in Mexico which almost started a war, which showed that free enterprise was wanted.
  • U.S. makes both Alaska and Hawaii the 49th and 50th states

    U.S. makes both Alaska and Hawaii the 49th and 50th states