First Super Bowl
The first super bowl on the day of January 15, 1967. The first Super Bowl was a game between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs. This was a great game but in the end the Green Bay Packers won it 35-10. -
9-11 Bombings
The 9-11 Bombings from a prospective of Jason Mansfield. I was at work when a co-worker came up to me and said that the towers were being hit by planes. We went into our break room and turned on the radio and listed. After that we called anyone we know around that area. This was a terrible event. -
Day I was born
The day I Tyson was born, from the prospective of Stephanie Mansfield. We went to the hospital cause I was in labor. The labor didn't progress and you "Tyson" were in stress. Your heart beat would so down so they had to do an emergency sea section. -
First Iphone
The first IPhone was put out on the day of June 29, 2008. The called this Iphone the IPhone One. I'm sure it wasn't as good as the ones we have now but it got the job done. -
Gulf of Mexico Explosion
The Gulf of Mexico Explosion happened on the day of April 20, 2010. This was an terrible event. It relisted tons of oil into the ocean killing all the wild life down there. This event killed 11 people and injured 17 people. -
Day we got our dog
The day we got our dog from the perspective of Kelsey Mansfield I was in 5th grade. The family was talking about getting a dog. We went to see a dog and we really liked it. We decided we wanted to get it so the guy we got it from went inside to go and get a couple bags of food just for the first couple days. While we were inside my brother Tyson was holding the dog and let it get a away. We had to run after it so it didn't run away but after that everything was great. -
Moving to Spanish Fork
It was the morning of August 28, 2017. We woke up and packed the last of our things into the moving truck. Then we drove to Spanish Fork and started unpacking one of the moving trucks. The food storage was the worst but after that the rest of it was good. Now we are doing good in Spanish Fork -
First day of 8th grade
The first day of 8th grade was a great one. It was August 19, 2019. I got up at 6:30 and got my nice new school clothes on. I did the rest of the normal school morning routine. After all that I left and got on the bus and had a great first day of school.