U.S. History II 1942-1953

By ElijahH
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    World War II

    Only twenty years after the Great War, World War II began in 1939 involving many at the time world powers, such as Great Britain, Soviet Union, France, Germany, and America, resulting in an all out clash between the Axis and Allied powers that covered the entire world leaving waste everywhere it went until its bloody-riden and consequential end.
  • Guadalcanal Attack

    On August 7, 1942, U.S. forces landed at Guadalcanal at the Solomon islands engaging in the first U.S. non-defensive battle. This would be the first of many that would come in the ever growing war that would all bring very high casualties yet each one would lead to the eventual end of the war.
  • D-Day

    Probably one of the most memorable and patriotic events that occurred during this devastating war would be the invasion of Normandy, also known as D-Day. On June 6,1944, the largest amphibious assault in history was launched on the heavily guarded beaches of Normandy. The odds were against them but the Allied powers pulled through and came victorious setting them up for their further retaking of Europe and the eventual collapse of Germany.
  • First UN meeting

    Shortly after its founding in late-1945, the United Nations held its first meeting including nations like the Soviet Union, Great Britain, China, and the U.S. This resulted in the extermination of the League of Nations in order for a new agenda to take place that was to bring world peace, but as one looks through history, its clear to see that isn't the case.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Though World War II was over, there was yet a greater threat looming over the free nations of the world, Communism. In order to halt its highly contagious spread towards nations like Turkey and Greece, he enacted the Truman Doctrine which was to help assist nations under Communist threat acting in the ways of containment.
  • Military unsegregated

    In 1948, President Harry S. Truman put into effect Executive Order 9981 which enforced a non-segregated military, laying the path for other events in history pushing for civil rights.
  • NATO

    As tensions grew between the free and Communist blocs, alliances were formed to combat the opposing threat. In 1949, the North American Treaty Organization was formed to deter an attack on its residing free nations. This would only create more hostility as the Soviet Union would later form its Warsaw Pact under its puppet governments to create an equal threat to NATO.
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    Korean War

    Although the Cold War was given its name because it was a "war of words," there were still many physical conflicts such as the Korean War. As the Communist North Korea and free South Korea grew in tension, a conflict was inevitable and it began in 1950 as North Korean troops marched towards Seoul to conquer and control the nation. However many other nations became involved such as China and America until the long-waited treaty that separated the two but there is still tension there to this day.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenburg

    After the United States launched its first atomic bomb on Japan, the Soviet Union began scavenging its intellectual forces to replicate America's achievement, or steal it. In 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were convicted of treason when they handed nuclear secrets over to the Soviets, much attributing to the infamous Cold War.