Period: to
U.S. history from 1800-1860
First Submarine
Louis and Clark
Louis and Clark explore land owned by France and Spain before the Louisiana Purchase from May 21,1804 to July 31,1804 -
The War of 1812
The U.S. declares war on Britain -
Let it Burn
The British burn Washington, D.C. -
Oh Say Can You See?
Fracis Scott Key writes the poem that will become the national anthem -
Louisiana Purchase
The U.S. and Britain set the northern border of the Louisiana Purchase -
Missouri Compimise
The Missouri Comprimise is passed -
Spain officially transfers Florida to the United States -
Erie Canal
The Erie Canal is completed on October 26,1825 -
Louis Braille invens a reading system for th blind -
Indian Removal Act
Congress passesnthe Indian Removal Act -
Abe Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln is elected St. Louis state legislature -
Battle of Alamo
Texans fight the Battle of Alamo -
Moving West
The Cherokke are forced to move west -
Oregon Trail
Americans in large number begin to follow the Oregon Trail -
New State #1
Florida becomes a state -
New State # 2
Texas becomes a state -
We struck gold
James Marshall discovers gold in California -
Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush begins