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U.S. History From 1800-1860

  • Lewis and Clark

    Two men named lewis and Clark went to discover the west on an expidition. They went on a journey to find the Northwest Passage, which is a waterway that would have opened trade to the world. They encountered the Shoshone tribe where a woman named Sacagawea that assissted them in navigating and communication. It ended in 1806. (274)
  • Robert Fulton designs first practical Steamboat

    Robert Fulton launched the fisrt successful Steam powered boat on the Hudson River. This made fast upstream travel a lot easier. They carried goods and people more cheaply and quickly along the inland than anything had before it. (377)
  • War of 1812

    The American forces were ill-prepared for this war. The first major battle was fought at lake Erie. Oliver Perry led this bloody battle and they destroyed the British Naval Forces there. Andrew Jackson led the fight against the Creeks and led to them giving up a lot of land. The British won against Napoleon and sent troops to Washington DC and burned everything to do with government. On September 13, Francis Scott Key wrote the Star-Spangled Banner as he watched bombs burst over Baltimore.
  • Missouri Compromise

    This let Maine enter the union as a free state and misouri as a slave state. It evevned the states so it would be 12:12. It created a line that you could split the states in half and the north would be free and the south has slavery. (312)
  • Erie Canal

    Construction on the Erie Canal ended on October 26, 1825. Many people died or were seriousy injured during he building process, but after 8 years it was sucessfully opened.
  • Book of mormon is published

    Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon claiming that it was a translation of words written on gold plates that were given to him by an angel. The words told of the coming christ and the need to build a kingdom on Earth to be worthy of him. Eventually Smith was murdered for his beliefs. (368)
  • McCormick's Reaper is Patented

    Cyrus McCormick invented the mechanical reaper to help farmers. This greatly increased the amount of crop a farmer could harvest at one time. This made it so that wheat could be grown more and the ease of railroads made it easier to plant more. It was shipped by rain and canal barge to other parts of the country to be sold. So other farmers on the other side of the country produced more fruit and vegetables. (381)
  • texans Fight at the Battle of the Alamo

    The Texans had about 180 men to fight against Santa Anna's army of thousands. Davy Crockett, William B. Travis, and Jim Bowie were the brave leaders. For 13 days the defenders of the Alamo kept the army at bay despite several attacks on the fortress. On March 6, 1836 the Mexican cannon fire finally smashed through the walls. Santa Anna's army was too large, they entered the fortress and killed everyone except for a few women, children, and servants. (356)
  • Oregan Trail

    The first settlers along the oregan trail were the Whitman's. They wanted to provide medical care to the natives, but unknowingly brought measles. This killed many people and the Cayuse rallied to massacre the family. This didn't stop people from moving in because of the fertile soil and economic hard times back home.
  • Trail of Tears

    Some Cherokee signed a treaty saying they would relocate and give up their land for the white men. In May of 1838 General Scott came to remove the indians by force. They were not prepared for this journey an many died of illness very soon into the expedition. While on the trail they faced starvation and the weather which led to the death of another 2000cherokee people. (333)
  • Florida becomes a state

    Florida became the 27th stae in the US on March 3rd, 1845. The next year is when Iowa became a free state. So the balance was restored to the slave and free states. (354)
  • Texas becomes a stae

    Many people did not want to accept teas in fear of upsetting the peace so for a while we left it alone. IN 1841 a new president was elected named John Tyler , and in 1844 everything chnaged. Manifest Destiny was big at this time and the south wanted Texas and the north wanted Oregon, so after Polk won the lection we accepted Texaas into the union. (357)
  • Gold found in California

    Gold was found at Sutter's Mill in Calfornia and peoplefrom around the wold came for a piece. People that arrived in 1849 were known as fortyniners. People from around the world settled in california and made their own little livings.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    This was put together to help women's rights as humans. 300 people attended and 40 of them were men. The main topic was a Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions. This was about laws that would end dicrimination of women. It was also about allowing women into the men's world of work. The most controversial issue was women's suffrage, or their right to vote.(415)
  • The Compromise of 1850

    This suggested that California would be a free stae , but new states would have no limit to slavery. Also, slavery was made completely illegal in Washington D.C. After much debate, congress finally passed the Compromise of 1850. (430)
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    This gave organized the land west of Missouri and Iowa and gave it to Kansas and Nebraska, making it free territory. Douglas feared this wold anger people so he proposed getting rid of the Missouri Compromise and letting the states vote on what they wanted. (431)
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott was a slave bought by a man in Missouri, they moved north and lived in free states with him still a slave. Later he sued for his freedom because he had lived in a free state as a slave. They ruled that he was still a slave so he could not lawfully sue his owner. (435)
  • John Brown and Hrpers Ferry

    John Brown led a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia. He intended to arm every enslaved African-American and start a revolt among them. Abolitionists paid for all of this to happen. They were defeated by the locals and he was sentenced to death. His hanging took place in the north, and some saw him as a martyr that died for a cause. (437-438)
  • Lincoln as President

    The Democrats were divided over this debate because they all feared it would lead to more slavery issues. North Democrats suggested Stephen Douglas, south suggested John C. Breckenridge. The republican party nominated Abraham Lincoln. With the democrats being divided, Lincoln won by a huge majority because the republicans all agreed on who should win. (439)
  • Gold Discovered in California