U.S History Final 2nd timeline

  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States. This crash followed the London Stock Exchange's crash of September, and signaled the 12-year old great depression, which affected all Western industrialized countries. Further actions were taken to prevent another crash like this, like the Glass-Steagal Act, which mandated a separation between commercial banks, and investment banks.
  • Founding of CCC

    Founding of CCC
    Civilian Conservation Corps(CCC) was a public relief program from 1933-1942 in the United States for unemployed, unmarried men. Also it went from originally men ages 18-25 to 17-28. This program was founded by President FDR.
  • Social Security Act

    Social Security Act
    This act laid the groundwork for the modern welfare system in the United States. The purpose of this act was to provide to aid to the elderly, the unemployed, and children. The Social Security Act has also been amended over time, but contains ten major titles-Title I-Old age, Title III-Unemployment, Title IV-Child aid, Title V- Child Welfare, Title VI- public health, and Title X- Blindness.
  • FDR Court Packing Scndal

    FDR Court Packing Scndal
    A legislative initiative proposed by FDR to add more justices to the U.S Supreme Court. He planned to expand the Supreme Court to 15 judges, attempting to make it more efficient. Critics claimed that Roosevelt was trying to "pack" the court and thus neutralizing Supreme Court justices hostile to his New Deal.
  • HUAC Formed

    HUAC Formed
    Was created to investigate disloyalty and rebellious activities on the part of private citizens, public employees , and organizations that were suspected of having communist ties. HUAC was abolished in 1975.The functions were then transferred the the House Judiciary Committee.
  • Germany Breaks Munich Pact

    Germany Breaks Munich Pact
    Allowed annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders, mainly inhabited by German speakers. Hitler broke the agreement when he invaded more Czechoslovakia than he was supposed to.
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    Battle of Britain

    A key military campaign during World War II. Britain defended against Nazi forces, and the result was British victory.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    A surprise military strike by imperial Japanese Navy Air Service, against the United States Naval Base. The location was in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in the morning
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    Was the Battle of Normandy, successful invasion of German-occupied Western Europe. This occurred during World War II
  • FDR Dies/ Truman Becomes President

    FDR Dies/ Truman Becomes President
    FDR passed away after 4 terms in office, leaving President Truman in charge of a country still fighting WWII. Truman also now had possession of weapons of terrifying power, which was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Truman's presidency resulted in the end of WWII.
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    Nuclear Bomb dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    During the final stage of WWII, the United States dropped two nuclear weapons, on Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The cause of this was the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, and the desire to finally end WW2. The dropping of the bombs were authorized by President Truman.
  • United Nations Created

    United Nations Created
    The United Nations was a replacement for the League of Nations, which was shown to be ineffective. U.N was created in order to prevent another conflict like World War II. When it was first founded, it had 51 member states, and has greatly increased to 193 member states today.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    The purpose of this doctrine was to counter the geopolitical expansion during the Cold War period. It was implied that the Truman Doctrine America would give support nations threatened by Soviet communism. This doctrine did not involve any direct American military force
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    Berlin Airlift

    During the Cold War, the Soviets blocked the Western Allies' railway, road, and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under Western control. Then, the Western Allies organized the Berlin Airlift to carry supplies to people of West Berlin. The supplies were delivered via flight by the United States Air Force, the British Royal Air Force, the French Air Force, the Royal Canadian Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force, the Royal New Zealand Air force, and the South African Air Force.
  • NATO Created(Story Event 1)

    NATO Created(Story Event 1)
    NATO was an alliance between territories of North America and Europe. This was an alliance based on the concept that an attack on one is an attack on all. It was also created to provide security against the Soviet Union. NATO also led to the Soviet's creating the Warsaw Pact to rival NATO.
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    Korean War

    A war between North and South Korea, that began when North Korea invaded South Korea. North Korea had the support of China and the Soviet Union, and South Korea mainly had the support of United States. The result of this war was a military stalemate between North and South Korea.
  • Rosenburg Trials Begin

    Rosenburg Trials Begin
    The Rosenberg's were suspected of being member of the Communist Party. Julius Rosenberg, based on Greenglass's confession, passed on instructions on making an atomic bomb to the Soviets. The end result was convictions for all the defendants.
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    Brown vs. Board of Education

    A United States Supreme Court case, where the court declared that state laws establishing separate schools for black and whites to be unconstitutional. This case overthrew the Plessy vs. Ferguson case which allowed state-sponsored segregation. Brown vs Board. paved the way for integration, and a huge victory for the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Warsaw Pact( Story Event 2)

    Warsaw Pact( Story Event 2)
    A collective defense treaty signed in Warsaw,Poland, among the Soviet Union and seven Soviet satellite states of Central and Eastern Europe during the Cold War. This Pact was created in response to NATO, and led to the expansion of military forces. This event lead to Hungarian Revolution of 1956 against the Soviet imposed policies.
  • Lynching of Emmett Till(choice)

    Lynching of Emmett Till(choice)
    A 14 year-old African American, lynched in Mississippi after a white woman said she was offended by him at her family's grocery store. The importance of this event is that he became an icon of the Civil Rights Movement through his murder. There was also outrage about the murder and harsh criticism on American Society.
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    Vietnam War

    A war fought between North Vietnam and the government of South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese army was supported by the Soviet Union, China, and other communist allies, and the south Vietnamese army was supported by the U.S, South Korea, Australia, Thailand, and other anti communist allies. Also, many Americans believed that the war wasn't necessary, and unjustified. The U.S won militarily, but lost politically.
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    Montgomery Bus Boycotts(Choice)

    A political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama. This event was a major part in the Civil Rights Movement. Many important figures took part in this boycott, including MLK. This boycott started when Rosa Parks, an African American, refused to give her seat up to a white person.
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    Hungarian Revolution of 1956(Story Event 3)

    A revolt against the Marxist-Leninist government of the Hungarian People's Republic and it's Soviet imposed policies. The importance of this event is that although it started out small, it became the first major threat to Soviet control since the USSR's forces drove Nazi Germany from it's territory at the end of WWII. The result of the revolution was the Soviet's victory, crushing the revolution. The Soviet's learned from this mistake, which led them to support Cuba to become a communist state.
  • Sputnik Launch

    Sputnik Launch
    The first artificial Earth satellite, launched by the Soviets. The launch of Sputnik was of great importance because it triggered the space race, which was a part of the Cold War. Tracking and studying Sputnik also gave scientists valuable information.
  • End of Cuban Revolution/Cuba Becomes Communist(Story Event 4)

    End of Cuban Revolution/Cuba Becomes Communist(Story Event 4)
    Cuba became a communist country through the Cuban Revolution, led by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara.Castro's regime reduced illiteracy, got rid of racism and improved public health care, but was criticized for stopping economic and political freedoms of the people. Despite the U.S attempts, Cuba still ended up communist, resulting the U.S to make greater measures to ensure the country going to their side, leading to huge increase of American aid to Vietnam.
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    Greensboro Sit-ins

    A series of nonviolent protest in Greensboro, North Carolina, and led to the Woolworth department store chain removing its policy of racial segregation in the Southern United States. This was considered a catalyst for the later sit-in movement. The main event of the sit-ins took place in the Woolworth store.
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    Freedom Rides

    Civil Rights activists rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States to challenge the non-enforcement of the court cases Morgan v. Virginia, and Boynton v. Virginia, which ruled that segregated public buses were unconstitutional. The Freedom Riders rode interstates buses in the South in mixed racial groups to challenge local laws or customs that enforced segregation in seating. The Freedom Rides strengthened the credibility of the American Civil Rights Movement.
  • Construction of the Berlin Wall

    Construction of the Berlin Wall
    Was a barrier that physically and ideologically divided Berlin. It physically symbolized the "iron curtain", that separated Western Europe and the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War. The destruction of the wall occurred in 1989.
  • U.S Increases Aid To South Vietnam(Event 5)

    U.S Increases Aid To  South Vietnam(Event 5)
    Due to recent advances made by the communist insurgency movement in South Vietnam, increases the assistance to South Vietnam's defense effort. The U.S provided aid to the president Diem to gain the support of his people, but ultimately failed in their attempts when he was murdered during a coup by his own generals. This led to the U.S getting openly involved with Vietnam to prevent communist takeover in South Vietnam
  • United Farm Workers Founded(Choice)

    United Farm Workers Founded(Choice)
    Founded by Cesar Chavez, meant to empower migrant workers. The importance of the organization is using nonviolent tactics such as boycotts, pickets, and strikes, brought the struggle of farm workers out of the fields and into cities and towns across the country. The organization was also seeking to improve wages and working conditions.
  • U.S Gets More Openly Involved With Vietnam(Story Event 6)

    U.S Gets More Openly Involved With Vietnam(Story Event 6)
    The U.S military transport aircraft's arrive in South Vietnam, used to transport South Vietnamese soldiers. American advisers were also ordered to accompany South Vietnamese military forces on combat operations. These efforts by the U.S effectively led to the Soviets making other efforts to expand communism, and resulted in USSR invading Czechoslovakia.
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    Cuban Missile Crisis

    Leaders of the U.S and Soviet Union engaged in a tense standoff, over the installation of nuclear-armed Soviet missiles on Cuba, only 90 miles from U.S shores.The U.S was prepared to use military force if necessary to neutralize the threat. This disaster was avoided when the U.S agreed to Soviet leader Khrushchev's offer to remove the missiles from Cuba in exchange for the U.S not invading Cuba. Kennedy also secretly agreed to remove U.S missiles from Turkey.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    Held in Washington D.C, the purpose of this March was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. The March on Washington was also where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a dream" speech, in which he called for an end to racism. The March helped to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Assassination occurred while the president was riding a presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza.
  • Start of Freedom Summer(Choice)

    Start of Freedom Summer(Choice)
    A volunteer campaign in the U.S that was launched to attempt to register as many African-American voters as possible in Mississippi. This project also set up dozens of Freedom Schools, Freedom Houses, and community centers in small towns throughout Mississippi to aid the local black population.The importance of Freedom Summer was that it lead to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    A joint resolution that congress passed in response to the Gulf of Tonkin incident. The importance of this resolution is that it gave president Lyndon B. Johnson authorization without a declaration of war from congress to use conventional military force in Southeast Asia. The resolution specifically authorized the president to do anything that was necessary in order to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, which included involving armed forces.
  • Assassination of Malcolm X

    Assassination of Malcolm X
    Malcolm X was assassinated right before he was about deliver his speech. His speech was about the new organization of his called the organization of Afro American Unity. The assassination was inside the Audobon Ballroom in New York
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    Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder was the operation of a gradual and sustained aerial bombardment against North Vietnam. This occurred during the Vietnam War, and was the most difficult campaign the U.S fought since World War II. The result was strategic U.S failure.
  • Vietnam Day Comittee Founded

    Vietnam Day Comittee Founded
    Opposed Vietnam War during counterculture era. Formed by activist Jerry Rubin, active during the majority of the Vietnam War. Organized several rallies and marches in California as well as coordinating and sponsoring nationwide protests.
  • Black Panther Party Founded(Choice)

    Black Panther Party Founded(Choice)
    Political organization founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale to challenge police brutality against the African American community. As they instituted a number of social programs and engaged in political activities, their popularity grew. They also created a free breakfast program for children.
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    Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive was one of the largest military campaigns during the Vietnam War, and was a series of coordinated attacks on over 100 cities and outposts in South Vietnam. This campaign was a series of surprise attacks on the Tet holiday in Vietnam, against the forces of the South Vietnamese, the U.S Armed Forces and their allies.
  • Assassination of MLK

    Assassination of MLK
    MLK was assassinated at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. His death was very important for the civil rights movement because he was an American Clergyman and civil rights leader.
  • USSR Starts Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    USSR Starts Invasion of Czechoslovakia
    Also known as the Warsaw Pact invasion of Slovakia, by the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Hungary, East Germany and Poland. It lasted until September 20 1968. The result was a victory for the Soviets and their allies, however, it had unintended consequences for the unity of the communist bloc. This failure led to the U.S rising up in the space race with launching Apollo 8.
  • U.S Launches Apollo 8(Story event 7)

    U.S Launches Apollo 8(Story event 7)
    The second manned mission of the Apollo program, took astronauts farther than anyone had gone before and showed humanity just how small and special our planet is. During the seven-day flight, the crew became the first people to orbit another world, and gave the U.S an advantage in the space race.The launch of Apollo 8 was a huge success and led to the launching of Apollo 11.
  • Launch of Apollo 11(Story Event 8)

    Launch of Apollo 11(Story Event 8)
    Landed the first two humans on the Moon, with the first being Neil Armstrong, and the second being pilot Buzz Aldrin, both American. This was the fifth manned mission of NASA's Apollo program. It was a huge success for the astronauts, as well as the U.S in the space race, and later led to the Four Power Agreement Berlin.
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    A music festival in the United States which attracted an audience of more than 400,000 people.The event was held in a dairy farm in the town of Bethel, New York. It was one of the most popular rock concert and festival ever held. For many people, it showed the counterculture of the 1960s, and the "hippie era".
  • Kent State Shootings

    Kent State Shootings
    Four Kent State University students were killed, and nine were injured during this shooting. Members of the Ohio National Guard opened fire on a crowd gathered to protest the Vietnam War. In it's immediate aftermath, a student-led strike forced the temporary closure of colleges and universities across the country. This event tilted public opinion against the war, and somewhat contributed to the downfall of President Nixon.
  • Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Signed(Story Event 10)

    Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty Signed(Story Event 10)
    Signed between the U.S and USSR, froze the number of strategic ballistic missile launchers at existing levels. New submarine-launched ballistic missile launchers were provided only after the same number of older intercontinental ballistic missile and SLBM launchers had been dismantled. It was important because it restricted the number weapons each side could have.
  • Four Powers Agreement Berlin(Story event 9)

    Four Powers Agreement Berlin(Story event 9)
    Agreed on by four wartime powers.It was an agreement, not treaty, put into force at a ceremony in Berlin. This agreement improved travel and communications between the two parts of Berlin, and also reduced tensions between the East and West over Berlin, and many other things. This led to the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
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    Operation Linebacker II(Choice)

    A U.S Seventh Air Force and U.S Navy Task Force 77. It was also known as "The December Raids" and "The Christmas Bombings". The importance of this event is that it had the largest heavy bomber strikes launched by the U.S Air Force since the end of World War II. This was a maximum effort bombing campaign to destroy major target complexes in Hanoi and Haiphong areas, which could only be accomplished by B-52s.