U.S. History class timeline

  • Period: to

    Second Industrial Revolution

  • The Progressive Movement

  • Plessy vs Ferguson

  • Spanish American war

  • McKinley Assassination

  • TR Prsident

  • Period: to

    TR President

  • "The Jungle" book comes out

  • Model T starts production

  • Period: to

    Taft President

  • Period: to

    Wilson President

  • Arch Duke Ferdinand Assassination

  • Panama Canal completed

  • Sinking of the Lusitania

  • Wilson re-elected

  • Zimmerman Note

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Period: to


  • Women's sufferage, 19th Amendment

  • Period: to

    Roaring 20's

  • Period: to

    Warren G. Harding Presidency

  • Period: to

    Coolidge Presidency

  • Valentines Day Massecre

  • Black Tuesday

  • Roosevelt President/ start of "New Deal"

  • Social Security Program

  • Pearl Harbor Attack

  • D-day

  • Hitler death

  • Hiroshima "little boy" dropped

  • Nagasaki "fat man" dropped

  • Period: to

    Cold War

  • Period: to

    Baby Boomers

  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • Death of Stalin

  • Brown vs Board of Education

  • Rosa Parks bus incident

  • Sputnik

  • Littlerock Nine

  • Bay of Pigs

  • Cuban Missile Crisis

  • MLK "I have a dream" speach

  • JFK Assassination

  • Civil Rights Act

  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

  • Malcolm X Assassination

  • MLK Assassination

  • Woodstock Concert

  • Watergate Hotel Breakin

  • OPEC Oil Crisis

  • Nixon Resigns