Civil war

U.S. History Civil War Timeline

  • Fugitive Slave Act put into Action

    Fugitive Slave Act put into Action
    It was on this day that the Fugitive Slave Act was put into action. The Fugitive Slave Act stated that if a slave from the south escaped from their owners, that northerners were to be required to return the slave to the owner even thought the north had freed their slaves. As well that if someone was caught helping slaves escape to freedom they would be punished. The act was repealed on June 28, 1864
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    It was on this day that the Dred Scott decision was made that separated the United States of America more than it had already been. The Dred Scott case was a case brought up by a Black slave (Dred Scott) who figured that because he lived in the north that he should be allowed to be free seeing as the north had freed their slaves before he moved there.
  • Raid On Harpers Ferry

    Raid On Harpers Ferry
    The Raid on Harpers Ferry, which was conducted by John Brown. Was an attempt to begin an armed slave revolt to free the slaves. The raid lasted from October 16, 1859, to October 18, 1859. Unfortunately they failed being unable to begin a slave revolt, as well as being caught. Where John Brown and many others were sentenced to death for their actions.
  • South Carolina Seceded

    South Carolina Seceded
    It was on this date that South Carolina seceded from the Union. South Carolina was the first state of the union to secede.
  • Confederate States of America Forms

    Confederate States of America Forms
    It was on this day that the Confederate States of America was formed. These were states that had seceded from the United States of America.
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    On this date the Confederate forces launched the first attack of the war as well firing the first shots of the war. Firing on fort Sumter which was originally held by the Union forces.
  • Gettysburg

    On this day the battle of Gettysburg began, In the end it turned out to be a major loss for the Confederate army, and a major victory for the Union army. With the battle becoming the final resting place for around 7,000 Union and Confederate soldiers.
  • Grant Appointed Commander

    Grant Appointed Commander
    It was on this day that General Ulysses S. Grant was officially appointed as the commander of all of the United States Armies.
  • Sherman Begins March

    Sherman Begins March
    It was on this day that General Sherman would begin his march with his 60,000 soldiers going from the city of Atlanta to the sea leaving havoc and destruction in their wake in an attempt to destroy the confederates will to fight.
  • Robert E. Lee Surenders

    Robert E. Lee Surenders
    On this date it was Robert E. Lee surrendering the confederate army to the Union. Lee surrendered at the Appomattox Court House in Virginia.
  • Abraham Lincoln Assasination

    Abraham Lincoln Assasination
    On this date only a few days after the civil war ends, it was on this day that Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth. Who at the time was a well known actor staring in the play that was going on at the time.
  • Vice president Andrew Johnson innaugerated

    Vice president Andrew Johnson innaugerated
    It was on this date that Vice president Andrew Johnson was inaugurated into office after President Abraham Lincolns assassination.
  • Thirteenth Amendment

    Thirteenth Amendment
    It was on this date that the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified into the US. The thirteenth amendment abolished slavery completely from the US.
  • KKK Forms

    KKK Forms
    It was this day that the KKK (Ku Klux Klan) was formed. The reason for them forming was to prevent blacks from voting as well as to harass the blacks.
  • Andrew Johnson Pardons Ex-Confederates

    Andrew Johnson Pardons Ex-Confederates
    It was on this day, that Andrew Johnson pardoned all ex-confederates and the states as long as they pledged allegiance to the Union. Andrew Johnson's actions here upset many Northerners making him a very unpopular president. This was done with the Proclamation 179 act.