Treaty of Paris (French and Indian War)
The Treaty of Paris (1763) was the formal ending of the 7 years war. The agreement stated that France gave Louisiana to Spain and other exchanges of territory. The British had won again and stayed powerful. -
Proclomation of 1763
The Proclomation of 1763 was a statement that said you can't settle past the line drawn in the Appalachian Mountains. The purpose of this was to stabalize the colonies and Britains empire in America. It also helped relations with Native Americans. -
Sugar Act
This law placed a tax on sugar molasses and anything else shipped to the colonies. It put harsh punishment on smugglers, and smugglers reacted with anger. James Otis said "Taxation without representation is tyranny!" -
Stamp Act
This act required all legal documents to have an official stamp on it. The stamp showed that the tax had been paid.The colonists were outraged. Samuel Adams asked 'Why not take our lands? Why not take everything?" -
Quartering Act
The Quartering Act was an act for British soldiers that allowed them to stay in colonists' homes. Part of the act was designed to keep the colonists in line and to keep them under British rule. Another part was to keep the colonists from moving pas the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists were outraged they basically said; Why are you taking away our freedom? -
Boston Massacre
This event was the murder of 5 colonists by British soldiers. The night of the shooting colonists were taunting the British and due to growing tensions the British fired. The colonists were outraged, they blamed it on the British when it was partially their faults too. -
Tea Act
The Tea Act was an act from British Parliment to help the East India Company sell there surplus of tea to colonists for more money. It placed at tax on tea that outraged the colonists. It was a small tax but the thing that angered them the most was not being in control of themselves. -
Boston Tea Party
Disguised as Indians, the Sons of Liberty boarded a ship and destroyed an entire supply of tea. This act was a protest against the tax on tea and other goods. The British reacted harshly leading up to the Revolutionary War. -
Intolerable Acts
The Intolerable Acts were a series of strict laws taking away colonists' rights to self-government, and many of their Historic rights. Coloinists were outraged and instead of leading them to not resist, it made them resist even more. These acts were a key role in starting the Revolutionary War. -
1st Continental Congress
This event was a meeting of delegates from 12 colonies (not Georgia). They met because they were sick of the Intolerable Acts. 56 people attended this meeting and basically argued about what to do about the British. -
Battles of Lexington and Concord
In the early hours of April 19th the first engagement of the Revolutionary War. About 700 British were ordered to destroy a location of militia ammunition. Patriots recieved info on this weeks before this happened, so the ammunition had been moved for the most part. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
This battle was early in the Revolutionary War, it took place mostly near Breeds Hill (Bunker hill adjacent). The two armies were fighting over bunker hill, the Bristish won but suffered a lot of losses (800 wounded, 226 killed) The colonial army took this as a win for themselves because the killed/injured so many. -
2nd Continental Congress
The 2nd Continental Congress was a meeting of the 13 colonies in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They met to discuss a war effort against the British. This meeting then led up to the Revolutionary War. -
Common Sense by Thomas Paine
Thomas Paine wrote common sense to enlighten and inspire people to take an act for their independence. This pamphlet explained the pros and cons of independence and why we needed it. Thomas Paine related it to biblical references and it was almost like a sermon, so people could understand it easily. -
Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence was a statement that said the Americans declared themselves separate from Britain. Thomas Jefferson drafted the paper then congress edited it to its final composition. The declaration is known for it saying that people have rights that the government cannot take away, and if the do the government should be fixed. -
Battle of Long Island
The Battle of Long Island was a big loss for the Continental Army, and a big win for the British. Under the direction of General George Washington the men this wass one of the first battles after declaring their independece in July. This was one if the biggest battles fought in terms of numbers of men. -
American Crisis by Thomas Paine
American Crisis was a number of 13 pamphlets total written by Thomas Paine during the Revolutionary War. The pamphlet gave hope to many Americans and soldiers during the war, Washington even had it read aloud to the soldiersw. The opening line started with; "The are times that try mens souls." -
Battle of Trenton
This battle took place in the morning after Genral Washington and his army crossed the Delaware river. Because of he weather, it made it possible for the army to get to Trenton and attack the Hessians. Many Hessians were captured and many americans died, but the victory of the American Army was very valuable. -
Battle of Saratoga
This battle was a turning point in the Revolutionary War. Genral Burgoyne and his Army were forced to retreat. Leaving the Continental Army a win. -
Winter at Valley Forge
Wasington built a military base there to keep an eye on the British. With its higher ground and nearby river the Valley was perfect. In the fall Washington fought a string of battles there which he lost, after that he built the base. -
Battle of Yorktown
The Battle of Yorktown was the last major war battles of the Revolutionary War. The Continental Army and the French Army combined won over Britain winning the war. 5,500 French troops joined up with the Americans in New York and marched into Yorktown to win. -
Treaty of Paris (Revolutionary War)
This treaty ended the Revolutionary War between Britian, France, America, and some of Spain. The United States got more land in America (became their own country) there were four parts of the Treaty of Paris for each of the countries. The treaty ended all the warfare and made the United States of America.