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Throughout the 1800's, the American and the British leaders and businessmen wanted to ship goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts -
President John Tyler's message to congress about Hawaii
President John Tyler writes a document 50 years before the annexation of Hawaii. President Tyler views the native Hawaiian government as weak and wants the U.S to take it in order to guarantee it doesn't take any influence from European countries. -
United States and Cuban - Exports and Imports (1891 - 1893)
From 1891 to 1893 Cuba and the United States imported and exported many goods to each other, while Cuba being the one exporting more to then U.S. -
Yellow Journalism announced.
William Randolph Hearst's acquisition of the New York Morning Journal is announced. Hearst promptly drops "Morning" from the newspaper's title. -
Petition Against Annexation
Native Hawaiian citizens and residents of the District of Honolulu, who are members of the Hawaiian Patriotic League of the Hawaiian Islands earnestly protest against the annexation of the said Hawaiian islands to the United States of America in any form or shape. -
Political Cartoon from Puck magazine
This image represents Uncle Sam(U.S) and Hawaii both being forced into having a shotgun wedding by Senator Morgan and President McKinley. The bottom of the text says "Another shotgun wedding with NEITHER party willing." -
Richard Harding Davis and Frederic Remington
Richard Harding Davis and Frederic Remington arrive in Cuba on an assignment for the New York Journal that will give rise to one of American journalism’s best-known anecdotes — Hearst’s purported instructions to the artist Remington, “You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war.” -
The U.S buy the Philippines
by the God's grace do the vaery best we could by them, as our fellow-men for whom Christ also died. the Unated State
want to help little and beter then Spain. -
The "Rough Riders" introduction
The most famous of all the units fighting in Cuba, the "Rough Riders " was the name given to the first U.S. Volunteer Cavalry under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt -
Joint Resolution to provide for annexing the Hawaiian Islands to the United States
A document was created to state that Hawaii signed its consent transferring its ownership of all public, government or Crown lands to the U.S. -
Hawaii's Story by Liliuokalani-Chapter 44-Imprisonment
A text from the Queen of Hawaii that describes how she was imprisoned and given the choice to release everybody who was arrested but needing to sign the papers that authorized the United States to annex Hawaii. -
The U.S.S Maine Blown Up
In 1898, the U.S.S. Maine, a battleship anchored in Havana Harbor exploded, killing 266 people. The U.S government had sent the vessel to patrol the waters between Cuba and the U.S. in order to prevent the illegal transport of arms and to protect Americans amid Cuba’s struggle for independence from Spain. -
Spanish American War
Yellow journalism swept the nation and its propaganda helped to precipitate military action by the United States. The United States sent troops to Cuba as well as several other Spanish colonies throughout the world. -
United States invades Cuba
Cuba was invade by the United States of America on April 29, 1898, this situation might have happened because of all the goods that Cuba had to offer to the United States witch might have influenced the invasion on Cuba. -
U.S Philippine War
The war was fauted on both sides the U.S they face losted of people malterter and evironment, languge and cultural also ssupply line. Emilio Aguinaido side while you cast your po -
Interview with President McKinley
The president McKinley made a speech" I walked the floor of the White House night until midnight; and I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees and prayed Almighty God for light."
the fist step to not give it back to Spain won"t be able to care about it
Setp 2 also do not give them to France and Germany
Setp 3 not liven them by themselves
Step 4 show them with the educte and and Christianize to the Philippines. -
The Santo Domingo Crisis
The incident in 1904 that involved the United States and Dominican military forces from the Dominican Republic. After the death of the seaman from the USS Yankee, of which military was launched a punitive expedition which routed the Dominican Forces -
The Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
The last resort, and then only if it became the inability or unwillingness to the justice at home and abroad had violated the rights of the United States or had invited foreign aggressions to determine harm of the body of the American nations. -
The Roosevelt Corollary last resort
The last resort to ensure that the other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to the internal creditors -
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The Dollar Diplomancy
The focus on using American Corporations to exit influences in Latin America where as the Roosevelt Corollary used political and military efforts. -
Maine's Hull Will Decide
Divers headed underwater to inspect the ship's Hull to find out whether the explosion was from the inside or outside.