Andrew Jackson Election
Andrew Jackson like Thomas Jefferson and many of the founding fathers, was a slave owner. He was seen as an enemy to those who sought for equal opportunity. -
End of Slave Trade
One benefit from the 2nd Continental Congress ending the slave trade was now there would be no more imported slaves from Africa. This did not end slavery. Slaves were now being brought into the "system" by parents who were already in the country. This end of slave trade angered southerners as well who were thirsty for more workers. -
Massachusetts Abolishes Slavery
Massachusetts was one of the first states to grant voting rights not only to blacks but to Native Americans as well. They were also able to own property, and this angered blacks in the south who were not given these same luxuries. -
Nothwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance outlawed slavery in a lot of northern parts in the country. The northern states were starting to be more independent. They did not need to rely on manual labor. -
Three-Fifths Compromis
This agreement counted all blacks as 3/5 of a person. This internally fueled all those hard working slaves. They could not cast a vote, but were merely being used for their hard work. -
Pennsylvania was the first state to get rid of slavery and allow blacks to be free. There were other jobs with manufacturing allowed to them during this time. Pennsylvania also made strides to get slavery abolished in other places. -
First National Census
Slaves were uprooted and disappointed to know that the country was dependent on their labor and highly populated them and they still had no rights. This census proved an overwhelming majority of the population in the south was by slaves. -
Haitian Civil War
Around the world, the United States began to see a trend in slavery. Those who were being oppressed were influenced to stand up for themselves. -
Kentucky was the 5th state to have slavery and still join the Union. This later causes disunity among the country, because more and more people had different views on whether slavery should be allowed or not. -
Census of 1800
Slaves are beginning to appear more and more in the house. The population is well over 40% of slaves especially in the Carolina's. The more slaves there are, the more revolts happened that led to the war. -
Louisiana Purchase
With all the new land, people began to question whether slaves should have a part to keep for themselves. Most disagreed, but this brought attention to how slaves had nothing to themselves. -
The Liberator
The Liberator was a newspaper published by a white man named William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison angered slave owners but at the same time helped slaves who felt discouraged understand there were people not of color who wanted to help them in a more public way. -
James Madison Presidency
Before Abraham Lincoln's Preisdency. James Madison also made a numerous amount of reforms that displeased people in the southern states. This started the divide between the President and the south. -
Census of 1810
By this time in the North slavery had almost disappeared. Instead blacks were given more land and freedom to have their own establishments and space. Southerners were infuriated that blacks had the same leisure as them. -
Hartford Convention
Those in political power who owned slaves were exposed at this convention. As well those states who went against what the Constitution said were put on notice. The Hartford Convention was an awakening call to those who were completely disregarding the law in order to profit money and violate human rights. -
Census of 1820
By this time in South Carolina there were more slaves than white man at 51%. In Louisiana the percentage almost reached 50 as well. The white oppressors in the south were outnumbered and afraid. -
Missouri Compromise of 1820
There was a long lasting battle as to whether or not Missouri was a slave state. This agreement declared that it was not, and would be against the law if anyone did so there. -
Denmark Vesey
Denmark Vesey was an activist for the civil war. He was convicted for planning to have slaves come together and fight the government. People who decided to follow him were also caught with consequences. It is said that total men were hanged in South Carolina. -
New York
New York has abolished slavery. This will later on place them on the Union side of the war, giving advantage to waterways if needed. -
The Appeal of David Walker
David Walker had created a preamble where he discussed the necessity for slaves to rise up against the government. He reached not only slaves but with his intellectual ability was heard around the world, even from white oppressors. -
Indian Removal Act
The Indian Removal Act led to the President seizing lands that was not originally the United State's that was west of the Mississippi. By the build up time of the civil war remaining Indians(very few) helped to fight with some slaves who also were not being treated equally. -
The Nat Turner Rebellion
Nat Turner was an abolitionist who led about 60 slaves out into a bloody battle. Nothing was resolved out of this but countless lives lost. The South now were starting to become afraid of what their slaves might team together and accomplish. (NO SPECIFIC DAY) -
Compromise Tariff 1833
These lowered taxes placed on goods that were brought in from other countries. This made southerners upset because the things being imported took away from products they could have sold that their slaves produced. -
Forming of the Whig Party
During this time a new party was formed. Whigs were not allowed in the south because many of them were against slavery. More strength came from the white politicians who voiced an opinion about this, and made it possible for enough people to disagree with the south. (NO SPECIFIC MONTH OR DATE) -
Slavery was outlawed in the British empire. Although Britain and America had their problems in the past, the Union appreciated the same moral conscience of the British. They hoped this would reach the south and prevent a war, but it did not. -
Margaret Garner
A sickly mother kills her daughter and tries to kill her son in fear of them going into slavery. She is arrested and put on trial. Her life story depicted what others would not dare to say. She ran away from everyone even her own family. One of the reasons the war happened was to prevent senseless killings. http://www.blackpast.org/aah/margaret-garner-incident-1856 -
Underground Railroad
Later carried on and known for tremendous contributions by Harriet Tubman, the Underground Railroad was established. Robert Purvis came up with the idea and led others to follow in suit of freeing slaves from captivity. -
Tariff of 1842
The tariff of 1842 opposed the tariff of 1833. Slaves were back making things that could have easily been transported form other countries. Northern Americans were still upset because now they had to wait longer for the things they wanted as well. -
Prigg Vs. Pennsylvania
The Supreme dealt with case and overruled a law in Pennsylvania. If a man is to live in Pennsylvania he could not be taken out of that state and then made a slave somewhere else in the country. He was to remain as he wishes in the state. -
Gag Rule
The confidence built up from abolitionists around the world was shut down when Congress disallowed petitions to get rid of laws about slavery. This itself went against the Constitution and pushed the goals of slaves farther out of reach. -
Narative of Frederick Douglass
This autobiography by Frederick Douglass was spread all around the country. It got people talking about the struggles of a black male raised in slavery and his struggle to become educated. A lot of southerners were upset at how intelligent Frederick was and how well he articulated himself. -
Manifest Destiny
The Manifest Destiny is more than just American's proclaiming land. This was their whole demeanor and attitude towards everything. They viewed slaves as property as well. American's always felt that they were in control. (NO SPECIFIC DAY) -
Mexican War
Abolitionists across America wished that the Mexican War was a success. If it was then there would be more a space and a higher likelihood of slavery being abolished. It is harder to control people when they are spread out. -
Wilmot Proiso
Those who wished for the new land to be granted so they could spread themselves out and get rid of slavery, had to find another way to accomplish that. The Wilmot Proviso would have spread out slavery and made it harder to control in the near future. -
Wisconsin is the 30th state to join the union as a free state. Wisconsin is a northern state that borders Canada. Them being a free state limits the south in their ability to secede the country without the war, because they have no support from northern states. -
Free Soil Party
The free soil party was another that southern's disliked. They wanted for slaves to have their own land. Land west of where everyone else lived was ideal, but the party did not last long. These new white men made strides to give slaves something of their own. -
Fugitive Slave Act
During times of slavery as can be imagined those who were oppressed often sought to run away. Any person who knew about a slave running away and did not report so to the government would have to pay a fine. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book sold around the world that correctly depicted the tragedies and outcries for help going on in America (reactions from slavery.) Uncle Tom's Cabin was banned in a lot of southern states because slave owners did not want to "corrupt" the minds around them, but planning had already begun for a major battle. -
Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman along with others helped hundreds of slaves escape from their owners. They used the Underground Railroad which was more of a passage way/safe havens in order to get to the north. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
This gave the power to the people in these states if they wanted to slaves or not. This act also had intentions of repealing the Missouri Act and again giving the decision up to a person's discretion. Because slavery was not made a law, this prohibited slave owner's. -
Charles Summer
Another upbeat politician by the name of Charles Summer took it upon himself to expose those in the Senate whom had been supporting slavery. He had an outburst and his legacy was almost tarnished. It did bring attention to the highest of officials to pay attention to what senators and political leaders were doing as well. Slaves all over were now getting support from where they least expected it. -
Dred Scot vs. Sanford
Upsetting and adding to the oppresion of blacks this case dismissed all notions of blacks (slaves or free) being able to vote. It also protected the rights of slave owner's and concluded that slaves at this time were still property.
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/supremecourt/antebellum/landmark_dred.html -
Harper's Ferry
An unorganized plan by John Brown brought a bad reputation among abolitionist's. A bold move was made by Brown to seize federal weapons and take officials only hoping he would gain supporters along the way. This made tensions higher for slaves because their owner's did not want them running away and behaving so ruthlessly. -
John Brown
John Brown was another abolitionist who angered slave owners. He was tried and convicted for numerous accounts of murders. Slaves along side him were depicted as ruthless killers. Leading towards the civil war any and everyone who was to be believed had involvement with such crimes were punished harshly. http://www.civilwar.org/education/history/john-brown-150/witnesses-and-testimony.html?referrer=https://www.google.com/ -
New Haven Address
16th President of the United States of America Abraham Lincoln gave a speech in New Haven to appeal to the country about why slavery was so bad. More and more southern's got the notion to secede because they absolutely disagreed with everything that he said. -
Abraham Lincoln Elected 16th President of the United States of America
Abraham Lincoln was the President during the time of the civil war. Many people mostly southerners did not agree with his methods and the vision he had for the country. It caused great rift amongst the people and eventually divided the country into two. -
Crittenden Comrpomise
This compromise was not passed by Abraham Lincoln while he was President. It however was a plan to help resolve with states leaving the country. States were not convinced to stay and this divided the country into two. -
Florida secedes from the union. By doing so, it strengthened the new confederate states who sought to find their own path and forget about the rest of the country. -
The Confederacy
On this day a new nation began. All of the states that left the union now had their own country. There was a constitution that contained their laws and allowed slavery. The Confederacy beginning caused turmoil between them and the Union states. -
Eli Whitney
Slaves were known for producing cotton. Eli Whitney created the cotton gin. This is what most slave owners forced their slaves to work on.