French and Indian War
The FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR was a dispute between the French and the British. It's called the French and Indian War because the Indians sided witht the French, thus, it was the French and the Indian's War against the British. All in all, it stil ended witht the British taking the land that they desired. -
Proclamation of 1763
The PROCLAMATION OF 1763 was designed to help keep peace between the British and the Native Americans. King George III decided to take this into his own hands, and all he did was draw a line down the center of the Appalachian Mt.. He then told settlers to stay east of the line and Native Americans to west of the line. Thr fact was, farmers already had setllments west of the Mt., they saw the act of tyranny. The king became outraged at these remarks and added more soliders to try to keep "peace". -
The Stamp Act of 1765
The STAMP ACT was created by George Grenville witht the idea inmind to help pay off taxes from the Frech & Indian War. The act stated that all americans needed to pay a tax on all paper used. The colonists saw this as tyranny, once again. They would not agree on this unless there reps. had a say, and they didn't. The colonists rebelled against this and the British finally repealed the act. -
Boston Massacre
The BOSTON MASSACRE was when 5 Colonists were killed and 10 left injured by British troops. This took place on the same day that the Townshed acts were repealed. The colonists were making fun of the soilders by calling them labsterbacks and throughing snowballs, and etc... All British troops were told not to fire on the citizens but, all it took was one shot and it all broke out. -
Boston Tea Party
The BOSTON TEA PARTY was a result of the Tea Act. The Tea Act was created by Lord North and intended to help trading company, "British East Indian Company", from going broke. As the company sold tea for less than smuggled tea, and made money, but when they arrived in American ports, they weren't treated the best. PATRIOTS dressed in costums to look like the Mohawk Indians and boraded the 3 ship that were held in the Boston Ports. It took them just 3 hours to cut & through the tec over board. -
The Intolerable Acts
THE INTOLERABLE ACT were a series of laws that gave England the uper hand on Massachusetts. England felt that they should have the control over Massachusetts as punishment. #1. Boston harbor is closed to all shipping until tea is payed off for. #2. The government of Massachusetts is to be put under firm British control. #3. Any British solider would be tried in England if accused of murder. Business closed and colonies sent supplies to help out while the state of Massachusetts boycotted England. -
The First Continental Congress
THE FIRST CONTINENTAL CONGRESS was a meeting of 50 delagates from the 12 colonies meeting in Philadelphia. Most thought of themselves as citizens of their colonies but one man argued, Patrick Henery, that the colonies should unite as one. The one reason why they came together was becuase of "their love of liberty and the hatred of tyranny". They asked the public for a boycott of all British goods. They also wrote a letter to the king asking for thier right to be recognized by Parliament. -
The Second Continental Congress
The SDecond Continemtal Congress was a 2nd meeting of congress after the one for the year was over. There was more problems coming about and needed a solution to them. The Olive Brach Petition was sent to England but the king refused it. As America try to prepare for war against England, tried to get allies from Canada to cut off a route and othere help. The battle ofBbunker Hill had started to worry some of the congressmen. By June 14, Congress has established an army and leader, Mr.Wahington. -
The Revolutionary War
THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR was the coflict between the Americans and the British. Each side had theit own strengths but they still had their weaknesses. The one thing that the british had was, Loyalists. These loyalist fought for Great Britain adn felt that they would be free and have the rights they diserve. The loyalist were Native Americans and Afrian slaves. The war went on for long 8 years. In the end , the American won their Indepandence but, had challenges to face in the future. -
The Declaration of Independence
The OLIVE BRANCH PETITION was document written to end the quarreling between the colonies and KING GEORGE III. It was written in 1775 and was called the Olive Branch because that is the symbl for peace. COMMEN SENCE was written by THOMAS PAINE and was a document to tell the prople of the colonies why Independence was the better future for all. The Declaration was drafted by THOMAS JEFFERSON and basicly explained to the world why the colonies were leave Brtish control. -
Treaty of Paris
The TREATY OF PARIS was signed by the United States and Great Britain. (1). The treaty stated that the United States is to be recognized as an independent nation. (2). Great Britain must give up all territories accuired during the war abck to the United States. (3). The United States had to give possesionof al property back to the Loyalists that had been taken during the war. -
The Articles of Confeedration
This was to fix the quarrels between the States boundaries. Under The ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION, it stated that most of the power was within the state. The government was not able to solve disputes or collected taxes from the states. Disputes and tax collecting had to be handled by the State governments. -
Northwest Ordinance
The NORTHWEST ORDINANCE divided the northwest territory into smaller territories. Once a territory reached 5,000 population, it could elect it's own legaslative. Once it reached 60,000 population, it could then apply for a seat in Congress. -
The Constitutional Convention
The convention met throughout the Summer in the Eastroom of Independence Hall. They all agreed that the Convention should be a secret from the public for saftey reasons. The GREAT COMPROMISE had a 2 house system, the house of rep., each state had repersentatives based on the pop. of the state. The Senate was the 2nd house with 2 reps. per state. THE 3/5 TH. COMPROMISE was how slaves got counted for pop. and # of reps. in the house. The ELECTORAL COLLEGE was how president and V.P. were chosen. -
Shay's Rebellion
Money shortages made frarmers unable to pay their debts, so judges ordered them to sell their porperty inorder to pay off their debt to the state. Farmers soon Rebelled with Daniel Shay as their leader. This was SHAY"S REBLLION, it let Congress know that they needed to change their ways. As the rebellion continued, Shay's followers stormed arsenal and then held courts from going about their business. The state of Massachusetts had sent militia men to stop the rebellion and restore order. -
The Constitution
THE CONSTUTUTION was created by delagates from all of the states. The first part of it is called the PREAMBLE and states where it gets its power, that all agree on a form of gov., and keep order. People say JAMES MADISON the father of the constitution because he spoke the most and studied forms of gov.. ANTI-FEDS didn't approve the Constitution because it didn't list the basic rights of the people. The FEDERALISTS PAPER was written to promote the constitution, written by ALEXANDER HAMILTON. -
The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights was an addition to the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was to protect the peoples basic rights, to insure fair treatment, and the relationships between people, state gov., and federal gov.. Many amendments were written for the constitution but congress only had the RATIFICATION of the best 10 and these bacme the Bill of Rights.THE MAGNA CARTA was documents signed by King John in 1215 and stated that the ruler in power is limited (not above the law).