U.S. Government: Development of Two-Party System

  • Debate For the Bill of Rights

    In Congress, there were two major opposing beliefs on the inclusion of a Bill of Rights. The Federalists did not want the Bill of Rights because they felt it limited the government which they believed should be strong; whereas, the Anti-Federalists, as in their name, wanted the opposite. They wanted The Bill of Rights because they believed that the people needed to have their rights protected from an all-power central government.
  • Federalists vs. Democractic-Republicans

    Federalists originated during George's Washington's presidency and supported a strong national government, but not all Americans believed that; as a result, the Democratic-Republican party was formed by Thomas Jefferson to counter the opposing party. The Democractic-Republicans focused more on state's rights instead of federal power.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    Jacksonian Democrats were just Democratic-Republicans who changed their name. During Andrew Jackson's presidency, these Democrats still focused on the rights of the common man challenging any sign of an all-powerful government.
  • The Party of Lincoln (Republicans)

    During the Lincoln's presidency, this party formed which our modern day Republicans can be traced to. They were the party reponsible for abolishing slavery.
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    Because of the New Deal, the Democratic party became the majority in the U.S from the 30's until the 60's. This started when FDR was elected as President.
  • Modern Republicans

    Modern Republicans support the theory of supply side economics saying that lower tax rates increase economic growth. They also oppose abortion and are the main opposing rival to Modern Democrats.
  • Modern Democrats

    Modern Democrats form the oldest policital party in the United States who are focused on the rights of the people. They are the main opposing rival to Modern Republicans.