U.S. Government

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John of England was forced to sign this Document because he posessed to much power. This gave the English citizens their rights. The Parliment then became powerful.
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    It was the first legislative assembily of North America in James Town Virginia. It was founded by a Engilsh Stock company.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The first governing document of plymouth colony. It was written by the saints. Running away persicution by King James of England, The Mayflower a great historcal ship of our time.
  • English Bill of Rights

    It a established a constitutional monarchy in Great Britiain. King and Queen have some power and the heads of state how power but limitied by law
  • French and Indian War

    British America and New Franch we the two colonies that were fighting in the war. The war lasted 7 years. The French were greatly out numbered so the indans became great use
  • Stamp Act

    was place on by the Bitish Parliment for the colonies of British America. These papered material was legal document for every paper created.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Sons if liberty dumped 45 tons of tea into the Boston Harbor because they were rebelling the rediclous tax that was placed apon by the congress
  • First Continental Congress

    A group the got together to disscuss about the intolerable act. There were represenitive from each colony acctept Georgia
  • Lexington and Concord

    This was the first battle to start the Revolutional War. The battle marked the out break of open armed conflict between of the Kingdom of Great Britian and its 13 Colonies in the main land of British North America
  • Second Contiental Congress

    RIght after the battle of Lexington and Concord the New English created Militia and the Continental Army who was ran by George Washington represented the 13 states.
  • Declaration of Independence

    It was written by Thomas Jefferson. The second continental congress took the document under their wing. All men are equal and there are certian unalienable right government can not affend.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established america as confederation. The articles were replace with the constitution because is provieds a stronger Government
  • Peace Treaty with Great Britian

    American farmers and local fight with taxes collectors and a judgements for dept. It was in Newhamshire and South Carolina
  • Commerce/Slave Trade Compromise

    forbidding the congress from taxins the states good and this way it was protecting the slavery taxing.
  • Connecticut Compromise

    Is a agreement during the constutional convention that congress sre put apon. States are equal and a house of senate is based apon the votes by the state
  • New Jersey Plan

    There was a some population so that there was no choice by to make each government have equal people and vote so power was equal
  • 3/5 Compromise

    Decidied by the North and the South slave are 3/5 a person it which the taxsation would be tracked.
  • Constitutional Covention

    delegetes met government to decide wether to become repulician whish it to save peoples rights or federal system which is to share power with the states
  • Virginia Plan

    Based on the population vote the would have a large government that then would out run the New Jersey votes
  • Shay's Rebellion

  • Rhode Island Ratifies

    Rhode island was the third island to make redification and they were similar wiht new york and deicde on the Declaration of Independence
  • The Bill of Rights

    There are ten admendments in the Bill of Rights and since 1789 there has been a additional 27 added. Theses are the right of the american people