U.S gets with Vietnam

  • Ho Chi Minh

    Ho Chi Minh a communist who helped oppose foreign occupation
  • September 2, 1945

    Japan surrendered to the allies and Vietnam got its independence
  • French warships

    November 1946 6,000 Vietnamese civilians died due to the fact of french warships that fired at Haiphong
  • 1951

    Many U.S. soldiers died in korea for trying to stop the spread of communism
  • Indochina

    U.S. payed 80 percent to Indochina for the coast
  • Vietman Minh attacks

    Vietnam Minh did a surprised attacked on the french military base
  • May 7

    Vietnam Minh overran the french and french morale
  • 1955

    U.S. put Vietnam leader, Ngo Dinh Diem in charge