Acquisition of Hawaii
Hawaii was a place for the refueling of American ships. Americans settlers built sugar and pineapple plantations, and missionaries came to convert the natives to Christianity.the native ruler Queen Liliuokalani tried to regain her power from the Americans but theyoverthrew her in 1893. Sandford B. Dole, a lawyer, worked on annexing the island and limiting their rights and helped overthrow the queen. Dole became Hawaii's president and Hawaii was annexed in 1898. -
Open Door Policy
The U.S. Secretary of State John Hay was very anxious to protect American bussinesmen and investors in China because he was scared that they would be shut out of trading by European powers. Since China was a vital source of trade to the Americans, Hay created the "Open Dorr" policy which gave equal rights -
Panama Canal
It was created because the US army needed an easier way to send ships back and forth instead of having 2 separate naval fleets. Panama was still under Colombian control so Roosevelt helped it become its own country and the new government of Panama gave US complete control of the canal. It took 10 years and cost around 400 million dollars, many lives were taken.