U.S. Development of a Two-Party System

  • Anti-Federalists

    The Anti-Federalists were led by Jefferson and were sympathetic to the common man. They maintained a strict constructionist view of the Constitution.
  • Federalists

    Federalists consisted of a party of the rich and well-born. They wanted a strong national government and appealed to financial, manufacturing, and commercial interests. The Federalists were led by Hamilton.
  • Democratic-Republicans

    The Democratic-Republicans were led by Jefferson. They were also known as Anti-federalists or Jeffersonian Republicans. They Democratic-Republicans ran unopposed in government until the mid 1820s.
  • Jacksonian Democrats

    The Jacksonian Democrats was Andrew Jackson's Democratic party that came out of the Democratic-Republicans.
  • Modern Democrats

    Modern Democrats are open to change, favor a minimum wage and progressive taxation. They also support a decrease in military spending and support legality of abortion.
  • Modern Republicans

    Modern Republicans adhere to tradition and believe that taxes shouldn’t be increased. They support increased military spending and oppose the legality of abortion.
  • The Party of Lincoln (Republicans)

    The Party of Lincoln was the party of strong federal intervention and moral directive against the institution of slavery and Southern secession. They supported federally funded higher education, federally funded national transportation, as well as social welfare
  • Roosevelt Democrats

    The Roosevelt Democrats were southerners, small farmers, organized labor, and big-city political organizations. They focused on social welfare and economic programs.