History tr fights in spanish american war hd 1104x622 16x9

U.S. Becomes a world power

By j.whitt
  • Period: to

    U.S. focused on reconstruction and internal development

  • Period: to

    U.S. economic output quadruples

    GDP qudroples and overproduction prompts us to look for new markets
  • social darwinism

    social darwinism
    this concept also influences the U.S. expansion and idea of american exceptionalism
  • closing of the frontier

    closing of the frontier
    exspansion comes to an end as the U.S. is now a continental power
  • influence of sea power on history

    influence of sea power on history
    this book encourages the build up of and modernization of the us navy
  • start of Cuban war of independence

    start of Cuban war of independence
    the Cubans stage an organized uprising beginning in February of 1895
  • Gen. Weyler orders civilians into fortified towns he controls

    Gen. Weyler orders civilians into fortified towns he controls
  • USS Maine sent to Havana

    USS Maine sent to Havana
    fears for america lives in Havana as well as influence of the press lead to the deployment of the USS Maine
  • USS Maines destruction

    USS Maines destruction
    the Maine is sunk off of Cuba leading to an outcry from the U.S. public and press
  • U.S. calls for Spanish withdrawal from Cuba

    U.S. calls for Spanish withdrawal from Cuba
    the U.S. formally calls for the Spanish to leave Cuba and the teller amendment to this calls for Cuba to remain independent of the us after Spanish withdrawal
  • spain declares war

    spain declares war
    the war begins in April and ends with Spanish defeat shortly after
  • spanish sue for peace

    spanish sue for peace
    spain sues for peace with the treaty signed august 12
  • open door policy

    open door policy
    U.S. attempt to gain trading power in china
  • american Philippine war

    american Philippine  war
    us encounters armed resistance to efforts in the Philippines
  • white mans burden

    white mans burden
    poem written to encourage us to assume colonial control of Philippines