First American Killed in Vietnam
LT. Peter Dewey is the First American killed in Vietnam This is a negative affect because it was one of the main reasons America got involved with Vietnam. -
Period: to
U.S. and Vietnam relations
U.S. military group arrives in Saigon
A group of 35 men arrive in Saigon. The group the men are in is called Assistance Advisory Group. This is a positive affect because the men were sent to Vietnam to help keep the peace. -
Fench takes troops out of Vietnam
Over 14,000 French troops are withdrawn from Vietnam which ends military ivolvment in Vietnam This is a positive affect becasue it ended the military involvment of the French in Vietnam. -
President Eisenhower Pledges to Diem
Eisenhower pledges to support Diem's government with military This is another positive affect it showes how we are star6ting to become frineds with Vietnam. -
Diem is killed
Diem is killed in miltary coup possibly in involvment with the U.S. This is a negative affect becasue America was first blamed for it even though it was North Vietnam who was behind it. -
U.S. troops in Vietnam
First U.S. combat troops in Vietnam This is a negative affect becasue it shows the start of thye war. -
Richard Nixon takes troops out of Vietnam
Ricahrd Nixon takes first troops out of South Vietnam This is a positive affect because it shows the start of the war coming towards the end. -
Cambodian Invasion
U.S. and South Vietnam invade Cambodia This ia a positive affect because America and South Vietnam worked together to destroy the North Vietnam supply lines anjd bomb the camps that North Vietnam had in Cambodia. -
U.S. troops Leave Vietnam
The last of the U.S. combat troops in Vietnam are withdrawn -
Fall of Saigon
The last Americans are evacuated after the fall of Saigon This is a positive affect becasue it means the war ended and the troops were being taken out of Vietnam. -
America asks Vietnam for help
America asks Vietnam to look for soldiers who went MIA(Missing in action) -
Ban Lifted
U.S. lifts ban on Travel to Vietnam This is also a positive affect because now U.S. citizens can fly commercially to Vietnam. -
U.S. becomes friends with Vietnam
President Bill Clinton decides to finally become frineds with Vietnam and says its time to come forward and bind the wounds Positive because we are putting the war behind us and looking to the future with Vietnam. -
U.S. Embassy
U.S. embassy in Hanoi, Vietnam opens and is the second one to open in Vietnam
This is positive because it shows that we are building trust with Vietnam. -
30th annevirasry
Veitnam celbrates the 30th annevirsary of the war end and the fall of Saigon This is positive because they are celebrating that the war is over and that we are all ahppy that the war is over.