T lincoln


By isaiaho
  • terriorial crisis

    terriorial crisis
    between 1803 and 1854 the united states achieved a vast exspansion of territory through purchase negotiation, and conquest, if these territories by 1845, all had entered the union as slave states: louisiana,missouri,arkansas,florids snd texas, as well as the southernportions of alabamaand mississippi. and the conquest of northern mexico, including california, in 1848, slaveholding interests looked forward to the institution flourishing.
  • Causes of secession

    Causes of secession
    the causes of the civil war were complex and been controversial since war began the issue been further complicated by historial revisonist who have tried to offer a varety of reasons for the war slavery was central source of escalating policatcal tension in the 1850 the reppublican party was determined to prevent and spread of slavery. many southern leaders had threatened secession if the republican candidate lincoln won the 1860 election. after lincoln had won without a single southern state.
  • states right

    states right
    everyone agreed that states had certain rights carry over when a citizen that left the state? the southern postion was that citizen of every state had right to take thier there property anywhere in u.s. and not have it takein away-specifically they could bring thier slaves anywhere and would remain slaves. northerners rejected this right bcause it would had violate the right of a free state to outlaw slavery within its borders.
  • the republicans and democratic

    the republicans and democratic
    in the 1860 republicans led by lincoln opposed the expansion of the slavery into U.S territories. linclon won, but before inauguration on march,4,1861 seven states with slaves within cotton-based economies formed the confederacy outgoing democratic president james buchanan and incomeing republicans rejected secession as illegal. lincoln's inaugural address declared his administration would not initate civil war. wikipedia facts
  • battle for consequenlty

    battle for consequenlty
    hostilities began on aprill 12,1861, when cofederate force fired on fort sumter, a key fort was held by the union troops in south carolina. lincoln called each state to provide troops. to retake the fort consequently four slaves states jioned the confederacy bringing their total to eleven. the union controlled rhe border states and established a naval blockade that crippled the southern economy.
  • secession winter

    before lincoln took office, seven states had declard their secession from the union. they established a southern goverment, the conferate states of america on fed,4,1861 they took control of federal forts and other.