3. Tyrone time travels to Missouri compromise
Tyrone looks at the handsome Henry Clay. "What was your goal?" Tyrone asked. "To end slavery," replied Clay, his voice soothing. "This was to balance the states, correct?" asked Tyrone. "Indeed," replied Clay. Tyrone the states are all free and there was a civil war. "bye handsome," said Tyrone. "what?" asked Clay, but it was too late, he was gone. -
4. Tyrone enters the Wilmot proviso
Tyrone hears crunching behind him. he turned around and saw a useless old man eating a burrito. It was James Polk. "Your the guy who stopped slavery in California, right?" Tyrone asked. "yes," said Polk, spitting cilantro all over the place. "I'm assuming we are in mexico," said Tyrone. "yes, did you know that America is almost slave free?" asked Polk. "In my world it is," Tyrone said leaping into the not so far future. -
5. Tyrone travels to the compromise of 1850
Tyrone Immediately gets hot when he sees Henry Clay again, 30 years older, it didn't matter to Tyrone, he was still hot. "hey you haven't aged a day," Clay said, his voice sexual. Tyrone got a little wet. "slave are almost no more," Clay said, winking. "where are we?" Tyrone asked. "D.C.," Clay replied. Tyrone said bye and left. -
6. Tyrone is at the fugitive slave acts
"Hey negro, come here," said an officer. "Were are we?" Tyrone asked. "You are going back to your master," said the officer. "You know the others aren't happy," Tyrone said. "who are the others," said the officer, but it was too late, Tyrone vanished. -
7. Tyrone meets Harriet Stowe
"you're Harriet Beecher Stowe right?" asked Tyrone. "Yes," said Stowe. "you are an author, you wrote Charlotte's web right?" asked Tyrone. " you messed up fool, I wrote Uncle tom's cabin," said Stowe. "so you're telling me you wrote a story about slaves being slaves, in Kentucky, just to free slaves?" Tyrone asked confusedly "yes," Stow said. "will you sign my autograph?" Tyrone pleaded. "sure," said Stowe. After Tyrone got the signature he faded off. -
15. Tyrone and Clay
"Hey sexy," Tyrone said. "wha--- how, I love you!" Clay said happily. "Come back with me," Tyrone said, "But we need to fake your death," "ok," Clay said. "Play dead," Tyrone whispered, "he died of Tuberculosis," said Tyrone, saying random bamble. "Ok, said the doctor," Henry and Tyrone faded away. -
8. Tyrone visits the Kansas Nebraska act
"ahh fatty," Tyrone yelled. " ahh negro," Douglass screamed. " you best have a n-word pass," Tyrone said. "what is a n-word pass?" Douglas said. "doesn't matter, where are we?" Tyrone asked. "Kansas dummy," Stephen A. Douglas said. "what is going on?" Tyrone asked. "How mental are you? we are letting Kansas and Nebraska choose what side they are on," Douglas said. "How is Henry clay?" Tyrone asked. "you mean ol' ugly, dead," Douglas said. Tyrone sobbed away. -
9. Dred Scott case
"Hey Scottie," Tyrone said. "hi," said Scott. "where are we?" Tyrone asked. "Wisconsin," Scott said. "what is going on here?" asked Tyrone. "some stoopbrain named Sandford wants me to not be free," Scott said. "F," said Tyrone, fading off. -
10. Tyrone meets Lincoln in the Lincoln Douglas debate
"Sup," said Lincoln. "not much, you?" Tyrone asked. "Bruh, some fatty named Stephen Douglas wants to be senator, but i want to be senator, and he doesn't like black folks like you, homie," said Lincoln. "Thas deep, well have you considered being president?" Tyrone asked. "naaaaaaaaah fam but now I might if I lose," said Lincoln. Tyrone fade again. -
11. Tyrone joins the raid
" yo black guy, join this raid," Brown said, tossing a gun at Tyrone. "alright where are we?" Tyrone asked, examining the gun. "we are at this town called Harper's Ferry," Brown answered. " so you 'bout to skrra ta ta ta these people?" asked Tyrone. "yep, they don't like Africans," said Brown. Tyrone vanishing with the pistol. -
12. Lincolns election
"Yoooooooooooooooooooooooo," Tyrone said. "Foooooooooooooooo' you haven't aged a day," Lincoln said. "bruh, where are we?" Tyrone asked. "Illinois," Lincoln said. "you president?" Tyrone asked. "yep, thanks to you," Lincoln said, "but can you kill me in five years?" "why?" Tyrone asked. " I stole 100 pounds of meth," Lincoln said, "Change your name to something like my 3rd grade bully, John Wilkes booth." "ok see in 5 years," Tyrone said, then vanished. -
14. Southern secession
Tyrone ran at Lincoln crying. "homie, what happened?" Lincoln asked. "I did it, I k-killed you," Tyrone said. "Tell me where to go in 4 years," Lincoln said. "Petersen House, Washington, D.C.," said Tyrone, "anyways where are we?" "We are at some dumb war called the civil war," said Lincoln. "cool," said Tyrone, fading away. -
13. Lincolns death
Tyrone stole a pistol from Booth, shot Lincoln in the head with his gun, and left Booth's gun there. "Thanks, Ty-" said Lincoln, dropping dead, and Tyrone vanished. -
1. Tyrone is sitting at home
he is looking at time traveling toilet thinking about his history homework at 11:59 -
2. Tyrone hops on the toilet
he decides to get help from the past at 12:00 -
16. Tyrone comes home
"you ready clay," Tyrone said. love happens