Age 5
.Investigates everything
.Eats more than ever
.While playing, makes up rules -
Age 6
.Fiercely independent
. A real "know it all"
.In perpetual motion
.Clumsy -
Age 7
.Complains all the time, mostly about parents
.Feels mistreated
.Thinks about playing all the time
.Do care about what others think about them -
Age 8
.Demands attention from parents
.Sees every situation black or white
.Has trouble playing with peers
.May cry when tired and has stomach aches when worried. -
Age 9
. Fiddles with things/increasingly awkward
.Friends and peer more important than parents
.Rebels against directions and direct orders
.Thinks all adults are stupid -
Age 10
.Accepts parents wishes
.Learns to disobey in small rebellions
.Sees rules as flexible
.Makes excuses for all misbehaviors -
Ages 11 & 12
.Want guidance but no lectures
.Body changes cause embarrassment and self consciousness
.Girls behavior becomes more eradict as hormonal influences take over
. Want to make their own decisions -
Age 13
.Worry about "Being Normal"
.Continue to deal with bodily changes
.Seek more privileges -
Age 14
.Tend to loose moodiness that the beginning of puberty can bring
.Adjusting to new changes in their body and world
.Looking forward to new changes, more freedom, and privileges -
Age 15
.Making more of own desicions
.Dating or thinking about dating
.Likes instant gratification
.Beginning to understand how to earn things over the long term