Age 5
Becomes more independent.
Investigates everything.
Eats more than ever before. -
Age 6
Know it all.
Always moving.
Temper tantrums. -
Age 7
Always complaining.
Wants to play all the time.
Cares about what others think of them. -
Age 8
Demends attention from parents.
Sensitive to parent's approval.
Rules and situations are black and white. -
Age 9
Always playing around with things.
Values friends more than mother.
Thinks adults are stupid. -
Age 10
Generally obeys parents.
Makes excuses for misbehaving.
Demanding of friends to keep promises. -
Age 11-12
Accepts guidance from parents but not lectures.
Body changes cause embarrassment.
Develop strong friendships. -
Age 13-14
Become picky eaters.
View bedtimes as childish.
Try to take on as much responsibility as allowed. -
Age 15-16
Influenced by peers.
Interested in dating.
Worried about others views of themselves. -
Age 17-18
Mood swings.
Begin planning for the future.
Shows pride in a job well done.