Typical behavior

Typical Student Behavior

  • 5-10 years

    5-10 years
    5-Take charge of some responsibilities such as tie shoelaces and dress with skill. Help with the family chores.
    7- Become attached to adults other than their parents (coaches, teachers, neighbors). Demonstrate their athletic abilities in organized sports
    10 - Accept parents' wishes and generally obey. See rules as flexible and make excuses for all misbehavior.
  • 11-12 years

    11-12 years
    11- Embarrassment and self-consciousness due to body changes taking place. Often embarrassed to be seen in public with parents.
    12- Want to make their own decisions, choose their own friends.
  • 14 - 18 years

    14 - 18 years
    14- Stop confiding in their parents. Instead, they are more likely to turn to their friends and seek advice from their peers.
    15-often assertive to the point of pushing their limits too far.
    17- goal-oriented, want more freedom and responsibility
    18-Socially and emotionally mature, able to assert their independence