Sucking Reflex
When a baby is in the mother, they develop this inborn reflex. Once they are born, feeding won't be an issue because they already know what they have to do. -
Period: to
Infancy and Childhood
Palmerhand Grasp Reflex
This is another inborn reflex that a baby develops in the womb. Touching or rubbing the childs hand can stimulate an infant to wrap its hand around your finger. -
Babinski Reflex is Discovered
This reflex happens when the sole of the foot is touched. Once that happens, the babies big toe stretches and the rest of the toes fan out. This reflex may take a while to occur depending on if the foot is touched. -
Leg reflex
This reflex happens when the sole of the foot is touched, making the childs leg extend. This reflex is inborn but needs to be stimulated for it to happen. -
A Child Can Percieve Moving Objects
At about 2 months old, infants can follow objects moving with their eyes. This is important for children to observe the world. -
Recignize Photos of Parents
As weeks go on, children can start to remember their parents faces. At about 3 months old, a child can even recignize photos of them. -
A child can roll over.
Typically infants can roll themselves over completly at about month 3. They have enough strength in their muscles to do so. -
Makes Cooing Noises
After a couple months a baby starts making cooing noises. This is there way of showing emotions such as being happy. -
Child begins laughing
Once a child can build up the muscles in their mouth, they can express happiness in laughter. -
Infant Can See in Color
At about 4 months old, an infant can see in color. Since the eye muscles had to mature, their vision has been different since they were born. Once they can see in color, the parents know that their eyes are well developed. -
Sit Wthout Support
Once an infants muscles have matured enough, a child can sit up without any help. Once they achieve this milestone, they will slowly work towards walking. -
Start Acknowleding Depth Perception
An experiment was made with 6 month old infants. They had a table up with a cloth and a piece of plastic to make it look like a cliff. Some babies were hesitant to walk over. This shows that depth perception is starting to click in their minds. -
Babble Repetitive Words
At about 6 months old, infants try to speak. It comes out as babbles instead of words, but thats their way of learning how to say words. -
A child can pull itself up to a standing position
As every muscle of a infants grows, their ability to hold their weight increses. At about 8 and half months, a baby can pull their body up to a standing position. -
Child begins imitating sounds
After listiening to the world around them, infants begin to try to make the noises themselves. This happens around 8 months and they usually try to imitate dogs or their parents. -
Child can crawl
At about 10 months of age children start to crawl. If they continue excercising their motor skills, they will soon learn to walk. -
Child can begin walking
After being able to crawl for a couple months, they slowly built up tthe strength and balance to walk on their own. -
A child can begin speaking a few words.
After having the time to listen to others talk and practice speaking, a child can say some words. Typically words they can say are common objects such as Dada, Mama, dog and car.