Newborns have their sight, hearing, smell, and touch responses. -
Present shortly after birth
Grasping reflex, the baby responds to a touch on its palm by grasping whatever touched it. -
Present shortly after birth
Rooting reflex, the newborn responds to a touch near the mouth by moving its head and mouth towards the touch -
Present shortly after birth
Sucking reflex, newborns will suck on things placed in its mouth -
From birth to 5 months
Moro reflex, or the startle reflex, lasts until about 5 months, a response to a sound that startles the baby, the infant will toss its head back, extends its arms and legs out, cries and its eyes may widen. -
Present shortly after birth until 7 months
Tonic neck reflex, is when a baby's head is turned to one side, the arm on that side stretches out while the opposite arm bends up at the elbow. -
Present shortly after birth
Babinski reflex, when the sole of the child's foot is firmly touched, the big toe bends back toward the top of the foot and the other toes spread out -
1 month
Reacts to pain -
1.2 months
Cries to make needs known -
2 months
Raise head to 45 degrees (Physical) -
2 months
Step reflex, when an infant is held upright and its feet are on a flat surface, it dances and seems to be taking steps -
2 months
Imitate facial expressions -
2.8 months
Ability to roll over -
4 months
Ability to laugh -
4 months
Ability to sit up with support -
5.5 months
Sit without support -
6 months
Visual cliff experiment, development of depth perception -
7.6 months
Ability to pull itself into standing position -
9 months
First words; mama, dada -
9 months
Able to crawl -
9.2 months
Able to walk while holding onto furniture -
11.5 months
Able to stand alone -
1 year
Ability to walk -
1 year
Able to kick or throw a ball