Period: to
Super Bowl
The Kansas City Chiefs won the 4th Super Bowl in 1970. -
World Series
The Baltimore Orioles won the World Series in 1970. -
Super Bowl
The Baltimore Colts won the 5th Super Bowl. -
Mr. Elliott
Mr. Elliott graduated. -
Disney World opens.
The famous mr. Disney opens his first amusement park. -
World Series
The Pittsburg Pirates won the World Series. -
China joins the U.N.
On this day in 1945 China joined the U.N. -
Super Bowl
The Dallas Cowboys won the 6th Super Bowl. -
World Series
In 1972 the Oakland Athletics won the World Series. -
Terrorists Attack
Arab terrorists attacked the Isreali Olympic team in Munich. -
Super Bowl
The Miami Dolpins win. -
U.S. pulls out of Vietnam
The U.S. gives up hope and pulls out of Vietnam. -
World Series
New York Mets -
Miami Dolpins win again. -
World Series
Oakland Athletics win. -
Pittsburg Steelers win. -
Saigon falls
South Vietnam falls to North Vietnam. -
Ford assassination attempt
Sacramento, California. -
Ford assassination attempt
Sacramento, California. -
World Series
San Francisco Giants win. -
Pittsburg Steelers win. -
Apple computer launched
The first Apple computer was launched. -
Betamax VCR
The Betamax VCR was released. -
Entebbe Air Raid
The Israeli Sayeret Matkal commandos landed at Entebbe. -
World Series
New York Yankees win. -
World Series
The New York Yankees win. -
Pittsburg Steelers win again. -
Star Wars
The Star Wars movie were released. -
NYC Blackout
The lights went out in New York. -
The Dallas Cowboys win. -
World Series
New York Yankees win again. -
Pittsburg Steelers win. -
Nuclear Accident
The most serious in U.S. commercial nuclear power plant operating explodes. -
World Series
Pittsburg Pirates win.