Mayflower sailing pictures

Tyler timeline

By lbass
  • 1682 BCE

    williom penn established pennslyvainia

    williom penn established pennslyvainia
    whas going to call it sylvania but then called it pennslyvainia
  • Period: 1682 BCE to 1585 BCE

    13 colineise

  • 1681 BCE

    king charles gave land

    king charles gave land
    king charels gave som lan to pilgrims
  • 1621 BCE

    williom penn had a feast

    williom penn had a feast
    made a feast fore friends lots of food
  • 1620 BCE


    the pilgrims saile fore relighgest freedom
  • 1619 BCE

    first elected leader

    first elected leader
    the first leader whas elected
  • 1609 BCE

    smith sick

    smith got sick sent back home
  • 1607 BCE

    men james river

    men james river
    100 men landed james river
  • 1590 BCE

    colineise disapeared

    colineise disapeared
    the peaple disapeared only clue croatone
  • 1587 BCE

    men in fort killed

    men in fort killed
    all men in the fort where killed
  • Period: 1585 BCE to 1862 BCE

    13 colonies