Tycho Brahe authored a book in 1573 named "De Nova Stella" which showed the position of the 1572 (super)nova.
Brahe was forced to locate the nova beyond the moon in the
celestial realm which was believed to be unalterable by the Aristotelian doctrine. He had to do this due to the lack of a detectable parallax. -
Period: 1572 to
Tycho Brahe
Tycho Brahe's Contribution and his works.
(“Tycho Brahe (1546-1601) | High Altitude Observatory.” Www2.Hao.ucar.edu, www2.hao.ucar.edu/education/scientists/tycho-brahe-1546-1601.) -
Comet and Orbital Reconstruction
In 1577 Tycho Brahe observed a comet that was visible from November 1577 to January 1578. The comet he observed had no parallax that could be measured ensuring that it was well beyond the moon in the celestial realm he reconstructed the comet and its path from the brightening and dimming and displacement of the background stars and indicated that the comet moved across concentric planetary crystalline spheres. This supported a "Fluid Heaven" and contradicted their physical reality. -
The Tychonian Planetary Model
Tycho conceived the "Copernican planetary system." 1583 that the Earth is absolutely fixed, and the daily motion of the fixed stars was a daily rotation of the outermost sphere. Tycho was convinced that the Ptolemaic system was false due to his observations of the 1577 comet and the1572 (super)nova which led him to develop this model.
[https://youtu.be/6laRU_BzhvU] -
Great Equatorial Armillary
Tycho built his Great Equatorial Armillary in 1585 that gave him the ability to observe stellar and planetary positions within a minute of arc. This aided him as he was able to account for constellations located 700 times farther away than Saturn, the furthest known planet at the time, by their lack of parallax. This was an important step in history for it helped Tycho Brahe and many others disprove the celestial sphere theory.