TX Revolution & Republic

  • Unrest in Texas

  • Mexico becomes a centralized government.

  • General Council meet.

    The TX general council meet at Washington-on-the-Brazos.
  • TX Declaration of Independence

    The council drafted and adopted the Texas declaration of independence.
  • Sam Houston becomes Commander and Chief

    The council voted Sam Houston as the Commander and Chief of the Texas army.
  • Battle of the Alamo

  • The Republic of Texas writes a constitution

    constitution is written and a interim government is established.
  • Fannin's Army Captured

    Fannin's army is captured when traveling from Goliad to Victoria.
  • Execution at Goliad

    The prisoners of Fannin's army are executed at Goliad.
  • The Battle of San Jacinto

    Sam Houston defeats Santa Anna
  • Treaty signed

    Santa Anna signs treaty to move the Mexican army south of the Rio Grande.
  • The Republic of TX elects first government officials

    President - Sam Houston, VP - Mirabeau B. Lamar
  • U.S. recognizes TX as a country

  • Mirabeau B. Lamar becomes president of TX

  • Trouble between TX and Indians

    Peace conference between TX and Comanche turns violent.
  • Sam Houston re-elected President

    Sam Houston is elected as the 3rd president of TX
  • Road to annexation

    U.S. and TX reopen talks of annexation.
  • Anson Jones elected president

    Anson Jones elected as the 4th and final president of the Republic of Texas.
  • TX is annexed by U.S.

  • The 28th state of the U.S.

    Texas transfers authority to the U.S. and becomes the 28th state.
  • References

    Campbell, R. B. (2003). Gone to Texas: A history of the lone star state. Oxford University Press.