

  • Alliances forming

    Germany in the 1800s was a bunch of states not made into its complete German Empire yet ( Editors). Germany had maintained peace with other countries and built its military ( Editors). Under the leadership of Otto Von Bismarck, known as the Iron Chancellor, Germany sought to strengthen its position against France ( Editors). He thus joined the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary ( Editors).
  • Russian Revolution 1905

    As the Industrial Revolution progressed, the gap between rich and poor grew wider ( Editors). This and the upcoming war had called for a revolution ( Editors). Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed the economic and political philosophy known as communism ( Editors).
  • Growing of Nationalism

    Growing of Nationalism
    In Europe, nationalism was growing, and so was self-sufficiency ( Editors). Countries fought for each other's territory to get materials to make weapons and gear for war ( Editors). These lands were either absorbed as colonies or forced to trade by political or military pressures ( Editors).
  • Counter Aggression

    America had become neutral to Europe originally ( Editors). The American people supported President Wilson when he said, "The war is one with which we have nothing to do, whose causes cannot touch us" ( Editors). Until a German U-Boat had shot a torpedo at a British ship the Lusitania which killed over one thousand passengers had entered the war ( Editors).
  • Aggression

    Aggression came to Europe, this conflict was between Serbia and Austria ( Editors). Serbia's hatred for Austria grew so bad, that there were anti-Austrian parties, and a member from one of the parties had assassinated Archduke Francis Ferdinand who was heir to the Austrian crown ( Editors). This happening was the trigger that caused European countries to prepare for war ( Editors).
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    World War 1

    World War I had begun with the conflict between Bulgaria and Austria-Hungary ( Editors). Austria-Hungary, dealt devastating blows by the Italians, also declared an armistice, ending their involvement in the war ( Editors). The war ended after four years and at 5 am an armistice was signed and at 11 a.m. on November 11, the ceasefire was in effect ( Editors).
  • Russian Revolution 1917

    Some of the same issues from the 1905 Revolution were still problems before the 1917 revolution had taken place ( Editors). For a very long time, the peasants had been angry about the higher ranks owning all the land ( Editors). Other, more practical problems kept the people upset with the government ( Editors).
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    Time span between the wars

    Around this time between the wars, it was calm, all until Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini came to power ( Editors). Benito Mussolini was the very evil Italian dictator that wanted the same as Adolf Hitler, power and land ( Editors). These two dictators had caused mass destruction and many lost lives due to World War Two ( Editors).
  • Adolf Hitler comes to power

    An Austrian man named Adolf Hitler had come to power in Germany ( Editors). He had an idea of a new party of Germany as of the Nazi party, with this, Adolf had only slid this through the community of Germany because of his great speeches and lies he told the country ( Editors). Adolf was a very evil man, all he wanted was power, and at this time, he wanted to invade Poland and France, as soon as he did, France and the allies declared war ( Editors).
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    World War II

    Immediately, after Nazi Germany invaded Poland and its surrounding countries that were with the allies, France and Great Britain declared war on Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Japan ( Editors). This war was a very bloody one, Japan attacked a naval base in Hawaii called Pearl Harbor, after this, the United States were enraged and joined the allied troops ( Editors). America had entered the war in 1941 and ended it with a nuclear bombing in Japan in 1945 (