Federalism turned into mostly modern day Republicans. They were rich and mostly well born and led by Hamilton -
Anti-Federalists came into existing as modern day Democrats. mostly included the common man, and had a constructionalists view of the constitution. Led by Andrew Jackson. -
Party Platforms
Consist of basic values and principals of both sides. included key policy matters and factions. -
Republican Values
Republicans value tradition, beleive taxes shouldnt be increased, want to increase military power, oppose abortion, justice should rule supreme court. -
Democratic values
Follow a Constitutional way of doing things.Express values in the Declaration of Independence, and other significant values. -
Great Depression/Republicans
Republicans for the most part were dominate in political runnings up to the 1930's, that's when the Great Depression hit and led to a political split. -
Democratic President
Franklin Roosevelt elected president, he promoted change in social welfare and economic programs -
The Liberals were open to change, promoted minimum wage, progressive taxes, decrease military spending, support abortion, docislly responsible. -
Stand still
Since 1968, neither side Republican or Democratic has held dominance over the other.