
  • Evan Williams is born

    Evan Williams is born
    Evan williams the internet entrepreneur for Twitter. He was born in March 31, 1972 in Clarks Village in Nebraska.
  • Biz Stone was born

    Biz Stone was born
    Biz Stone is a co-founder of Twitter. Biz was born March 10, 1974 In San Francisco.
  • Jack Dorsey is born

    Jack Dorsey is born
    Jack dorsey is the owner of twitter. Jack was born in November 19, 1976 in St. Louis Missouri. Jacks net worth is 2.4 billion.
  • Jack Dorsey gets the idea for twitter

    Jack Dorsey gets the idea for twitter
    Jack Dorsey moved to Oakland, California, and in 2000 he started a company giving his dispatch software through the web. He later came up with the idea of dispatch software that had instant messaging.
  • Twitter is created

    Twitter is created
    Twitter was created on March 21, 2006. The company experienced big growth. It had 400,000 tweets posted per quarter in 2007. This grew to 100 million tweets posted per quarter in 2008. In February 2010, Twitter users were sending 50 million tweets everyday.
  • The first tweet

    The first tweet
    The first tweet was made by Jack Dorsey on March 21, 2006. This tweet was posted at 1:50 PM
  • The most retweets

    The most retweets
    One of the most retweeted Tweets had 1,460,177. It was posted on October 2 2011 at 3:04 PM by Louis Tomlinson from One direction
  • 500 million users

    500 million users
    500 million active users are on twitter in 2015. And it has over 500 million tweets per day.