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20160505 112605

Will Have Timeline

  • Transport

    in 2040 my transport will have remain the Ford Raptor but last model
  • Home

    in 2040 I ​​'ll move to Spain and I will have a new modern house like
  • Marital status

    Marital status
    in 2040 no longer be single, I'll have a wife with whom I will have married a year ago
  • Wealth

    my wealth in 2040 will have increased by 20 %
  • Job

    in 2040 I ​​will have the same audiovisual communication worked but now will work from home
  • Place of work

    Place of work
    in 2040 my workplace will have to be my home
  • Hobbies

    in 2040 my hobby will have traveling with my wife
  • Children

    in 2040 do not yet I'll have children because my wife did not want them even
  • Pets

    I will have in 2040 my pets are two cats especially in black
  • Qualifications

    I will have in 2040 and had finished all my studies