twentieth century

  • WWI 1914-1916

    A four year international conflict that invloved majority of the worlds countries. There was two sides. The Triple Entente conating Britan, France and Russia. Then the Central powers was Germany, Austro Hungry and Italy. The result of this war was that the Central Powers were defeated and forced to sign the treaty of Versailles.
  • Founding of the League of Nations 1920

    The League of Nations was a Non-Government-Organisation formed by Woodrow Wilson to maintain world peace and stop conflict. The League of Nations consisted of 63 countries.
  • Roaring 20's 1920-1929

    The Roaring 20's was a decade of massive industrial and material growth in wealthy western countries. The Roaring 20's made way for new appliances such as the movies, radio sets and electric fridges. It was also Jazz period. Women were also more socially free. They started dressing differently and acting in "unladylike" ways such as drinking and smoking. This was the first time the world saw expendable income.
  • Great Depression 1929-1941

    Twelve years of economic depressions that affected the Western Industrial world. The crash of the stock market in October in 1929 sent Wall Street into panic which wiped out millions of investors triggering a chain reaction that plunged the western world into a state of poverty.
  • WW11 1939-1945

    The longest world war lasting six years. The main combatants of this war was the Allies (Britain, America, France and the Soviet Union) Against the Axis Powers (Germany, Japan, Soviet Union and Italy who changed sides half way). The conflict ended in 1945 when the Axis powers signed the unconditional surrender.
  • Founding of the Unitied Nations 1945

    Due to the League of Nations failing to stop the second world war the United Nations was formed in a second attempt to secure and maintain world peace. The United Nations still operates to this day undergoing peace keeping operations and relief aids.
  • NATO founded 1949

    North Atlantic Treaty Organisation consisting of 29 countries. Their original goal was to stop a soviet Invasion of Europe during the Cold War. NATO also combined the countries to make standards that can all relate to each country to make things military actions run smoothly. NATO is now committed to promoting democratic values and guarantee freedom and security to its members. NATO has the ability to use military action if democratic efforts fail.
  • Korean War 1950-1953

    The Korean war was originally between (North Korea) and (South Korea). This Changed when the Soviet Union joined North Korea. This resulted in the United States and the United Nations joining the war in aid of South Korea. This resulted in China joining North Korea and the Soviet Union. Tensions where at an all time high and the US was extremely close using nuclear force which could of sparked WWIII. The war ended in 1953 the front lines are the border between North and South Korea.
  • Vietnam War 1955-1975

    This conflict was orginally between Communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The US joined to stop the spread of the cold war. This grew the conflict leading to the soviet union aiding north Vietnam. Eventually the conflict ended in 1975 after America and its western allies pulled out.
  • MLK-"I have a dream" 1936

    Martin Luther King Jr made his "I have a dream speech in March 1963 at the Lincon Memorial Park. His aim to explain the necessity for change and the potential for change and hope in the American society. 250000 attneded his speech.
  • Assassination of JFK 1963

    The 35th president of the United States John Ftzgerald Kenndy os assassinated in Dallas, Texas. JFK was shot by Lee Harvy Oswald and died next to his wife. Oswald was arrested but also assassinated by Jack Ruby on the 24th of November 1963
  • Assassination of MLK jr 1968

    MLK was shot just on the 4th of April 1968. MLK was rushed to hospital where he was pronouced dead. The news shocked the wrold sparking riots.
  • First Man On The Moon 1969

    On the 20th of july 1969 three American men landed on te moon. Neil Armstrong, Mark Collins and Buzz Aldrin they were apart of the apollo II mission. They left behind a plack saying "here men from planet Earth set foot on the open moon 1969 A.D. we come in peace for all mankind"
  • Collapse of Berlin Wall 1989

    The wall was erected to stop western facists from entering eastern Berlin. On the 9th of November East Berlins communist party decided to let Western citizens across the border. Many people crossed the border while other physically destroyed it.
  • Collapse of the Soviet Union 1990

    At the end of the Cold War the Soviet Union dissolved into independant republics. It was celebrated as a triumph of democracy over totalitarisium.