twenties coulton schneider

  • 18th amendment

    prohibited the sale production or transport of liqour illegal
  • red scare

    the fear from terroist and socialist revolution
  • treaty of versailles

    was rejected by the allies because it was too harsh and counter-productive
  • volstead act

    volstead act
    was passed to carry out the 18th amendment
  • palmer raids

    palmer raids
    attempts to arrest and deport political leftist and anarchist
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Teapot dome scandal
    the secratary of the interior leased oil feilds to oil companies very cheap was found to bee taking bribes from oil companies
  • harlem renaissance

    the explosion of negro culture
  • 19th amendment

    stated that the right to may not be denied on the baisis of sex
  • warren harding

    warren harding
    harding was elected the 29th president
  • sacco and vanzetti executed

    sacco and vanzetti executed
    two italian born terroist who gained national fame through their alleged innocence for the death they caused
  • washington disarmament

    It was the first international conference held in the United States and the first arms control conference in history,
  • Fordney-mcumber tarrif

    was a tax that raised the price of imported goods to try to make people buy american goods
  • calvin coolidge

    calvin coolidge
    took over after harding died
  • J.Hoover

    hoover is apointed director of berearu of invesigation
  • immagration act basic law

    limited the amount of immigrants allowed to enter the us in a year
  • scopes trial

    scopes trial
    john scopes was accused of violating the tennesee butler act which forbade teachers from teaching the theory of evolution
  • nbc created

    nbc created
    oldest major broad casting network in the us
  • charles linberg

    charles linberg
    first person to fly across the alantic
  • jazz singer released

    jazz singer released
    he first feature lenth with syncronized dialoge gets rid of silent flms
  • Amelia Earharht

    Amelia Earharht
    first woman to fly solo across atlantic ocean
  • kellogg-briand pact

    kellogg-briand pact
    the states that joined this union stated that war would not be uused to settle disputes
  • St. Valentines day massacre

    St. Valentines day massacre
    Al copene killed the remaining of the other gangs
  • herbert hoover

    herbert hoover
    was elected the 31st president of the united states
  • stockmarket crash

    stockmarket crash
    was he most devastating stock market crashin history of the U.S.
  • great depression

    great depression
    worldwide econimic deoression righ before WWII