TV Timeline

  • First Invention of the tv

    First Invention of the tv
    The television was first successfully demonstrated in San Francisco on Sept. 7, 1927. The system was designed by Philo Taylor Farnsworth, a 21-year-old inventor who had lived in a house without electricity until he was 14.
  • Early Programming

    Early Programming
    During the Primative start of the tv actors and people working on film would have to work under really hot lights and had to wear black lipstick and green makeup (The Camera had a hard time picking up them up without it.)
  • First Public TV

    First Public TV
    RCA bought the plans off of the inventor of the television they then starting selling television sets with 5 by 12 in (12.7 by 25.4 cm) picture tubes
  • First presidential Speech recorded

    First presidential Speech recorded
    The first presidential speech was recorded and broadcasted from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
  • Cable tv begins in the US

    Cable tv begins in the US
    Cable was created to bring television services to people that could not receive good connects due to mountains and buildings
  • First attempt at color transmissions

    First attempt at color transmissions
    During this time they tried to air color TVs but multiple tv sets don't pick up the color so its deemed a failure
  • Cable tv begins in Canada

  • First war to be be televised.

    First war to be be televised.
    The vietnam war was the first war to be televised, many people tuned in to the see the war happen live. The scary part about this war is that almost everything was recorded so citizens could see everything that was happening
  • VCRs are created

    VCRs are created
    Before VCRs there was only 3 stations you could tune into a watch but when these got invented it was a way to put any tv show/movie into it and watch it endlessly.
  • First use for elections

    First use for elections
    John F Kennedy used the tv to publicly broadcast himself giving speeches. Many people considered this why he won the election
  • First recorded tragedy

    First recorded tragedy
    When JFK was assassinated almost 94% of americans tuned into his funeral using the tv
  • Video games are brought to the tv

    Video games are brought to the tv
    Video games did exist in other mediums like the computer and arcade machines but these were console you could plug in and play on the tv in your house. The first released model of console was the Magnavox Odyssey. Home gaming didn't really go anywhere until the Atari 2600 released.
  • Canada's first domestic communications satellite

    Canada's first domestic communications satellite
    Canada's Anik I, the first first domestic geo-synchronous communications satellite, is launched, capable of relaying 12 television programmes simultaneously.
  • First personal computer

    First personal computer
    This is the first personal computer, the internet hasnt been created yet so all you could really do was write programs and play simple games.
  • CDs were invented

    CDs were invented
    CDs were mainly used for CD players so people could have a portable way to listen to music, CDs were soon created to support video as well (DVD) therefore making them a better more cost effective compared to the VHS.
  • First Smartphone

    First Smartphone
    The first smartphone was called the Simon Personal Communicator, you were able to to receive, send emails and send calls.
  • First Flatscreen tv

    First Flatscreen tv
    technology company Fujitsu released the first-ever flat-screen TV to the public, which had a 42-inch screen, and weighed 40 pounds. This was a very exciting invention and marked the future of tv.
  • First Portable DVD player

    First Portable DVD player
    With the creation of DVDs it only seemed right for us to create a cd player, with a screen that DVDs could be played on and therefore be watched and enjoyed by people on the go.
  • First USB Drive

    First USB Drive
    The USB flash drive was created as a way to expand storage space on computers, its also very portable so its easy to remove and take it with you. so its basically portable storage
  • First Smart TVs

    First Smart TVs
    TVs started having computers built into them making streaming shows and movies (Example, Youtube, Netflix).