Turning Points in the Civil War

  • The First and Second Battles of Bull Run

    These were the first battles of the Civil War, and both were won by the Confederacy
  • The Battle of Fredericksburg

    This battle was fought between Union General Ambrose E. Burnside, and Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and resulted in a Confederate victory.
  • The Union captures Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

    Ulysses S. Grant's leadership led to the capture of these forts, which helped the Union control Kentucky and most of Tennessee
  • The Union captures New Orleans

    The capture of New Orleans marked a major turning point of the war because the port their was a major part of Confederate trade.
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    The Seven Days Battle

    This battle was fought for seven days, and resulted in yet another Confederate victory
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    The Battle of Chancellorsville

    This was another major battle of the Civil War, and ended in yet another Confederate victory over the Union Army. However, the Confederate general "Stonewall" Jackson was killed.
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    The Siege of Vicksburg

    This siege led to the Union capture of Fort Vicksburg, which gave the Union full control over the Mississippi River- which divided the Confederacy.
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    The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Confederate general Robert E. Lee decided to invade Union territory, which resulted in the Battle of Gettysburg. This ended in a significant victory for the Union because it boosted Union morale, decimated a major Confederate army, and ended a possible alliance between Europe and the Confederacy.