Turkey Interwar Period - Madison Haire

  • Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922

    Greco-Turkish War 1919-1922
    Greco-Turkish War
    The treaty of Sevres was signed by the Ottoman Empire, giving Greece the opportunity to take more land.The Greeks wanted to expand their border into Turkey. At the Battle of Inonu, the Turkish achieved their first victory against the Greeks, lessening European support for the Greeks.
  • Turkish War of Independence

    Turkish War of Independence
    Turkish War of Independence
    - Main locations: Anatolia and Thrace.
    - Wars taking place: Greco-Turkish, Turkish-Armenian, and Franco-Turkish.
    - Only win was against Greece.
    - Won the Turkish War of Independence, Kemal Ataturk became the first president of the Republic of Turkey.
  • National Anthem

    National Anthem
    The Turkish National Anthem was written by M. Akif Ersoy. This anthem was adopted by parliament on the 12th of March in 1921. The anthem is composed of 10 lines, but only 2 of them are sung during ceremonies. This Anthem may have been another step towards achieving Turkish nationalism. National Anthem
  • Mehmed VI Exiled

    Mehmed VI Exiled
    Mehmed VI Exiled
    The Grand National Assembly of Turkey abolished and expelled Mehmed VI from Constantinople. This event prepared the way for the new Turkish Republic within a year.
  • Treaty of Lausanne Signed

    Treaty of Lausanne Signed
    Turkey representatives and many other countries sign the Treaty of Lausanne. This treaty recognized the boundaries of Turkey. Turkey straits between the Aegean and Black sea were open to all shipping and Turkey recovered full sovereign rights over its territory and foreign zones. (Independent country)
    Treaty of Lausanne
  • Caliphate Abolished

    Caliphate Abolished
    The caliphate, one of the oldest Islamic institutions in history, was abolished in 1924. The last Sunni caliphate was the Ottoman caliphate which lasted 13 centuries. In the 20th century, many Turkish colonies were influenced by the British which caused the government in Ankara to abolish the caliphate. Downfall of the Caliphate
  • Turkey Becomes Secular

    Turkey Becomes Secular
    Turkey becomes secular shortly after the death of Ataturk. Secularism meant that Islam would not be allowed to have any significant public role in the new, modern republic Turkey has become. Turkey took this step to become secular to further its relatedness to the Ottoman Empire. Secularism
  • New Alphabet

    New Alphabet
    In 1928, a new Turkish alphabet based on Latin script was established. This new alphabet, implemented by Mustafa Kemal, was established after WWI. Its aim was to increase the literacy rate by simplifying the alphabet and to diminish Ottoman influence on the country. Creating a new alphabet was just another step to revolutionize, modernize, and westernize Turkey. Alphabet
  • Effects of the Great Depression

    Effects of the Great Depression
    The main group affected by the Great Depression was the peasants, considering they made up 75% of the population. The Great depression caused a shrinkage in international trade, need to implement quotas on trade, and the rise of protectionism. The Great depression resulted in a change of economic policies, allowing Turkey to take more steps in separating themselves from the Ottomans.
    [The Great Depression](Cambridge.org)
  • Women's Rights

    Women's Rights
    In 1930, Turkey became one of the first countries to grant women their rights. Women were no longer required to cover their heads because of their religion. Women also gained equal rights to property acquired during marriage. They also gained full political rights including the right to elect.
  • Ataturk Dies

    Ataturk Dies
    Kemal Ataturk, also called "Father of the Turks," dies of cirrhosis in the liver. Kemal Ataturk is the creator of modern day Turkey, he came to power in 1923 bringing extreme changes with him. Ataturk imposed secularism, nationalism, and westernization reforms. He moved away from the traditional subordination of women and based Turkey's political unity on nationalism rather religion. Ataturk's Death