Day 1
75º F
Clear Skies -
Day 2
70º F
Cloudy Skies
No bug activity -
Day 3
temp 64º F
humidity 93%
rain was iminent upon the time of arival -
Day 4
Temp: 72º F
Humidity: 93%
Small chance of rain (heavy rain the previous day)
less ants & 1 0r 2 flies -
Day 5
Temp: 72º F
Humidity: 81%
UV Index: moderate 3
Blowflies have shown up to party
Turkey now looks a more cooked color -
Day 6
Temp 86º F
Humidity 59% scattered rain storms in the area
UV Index 3
21 mph winds
little maggot activity -
Day 7
Temp 82º F
Humidity 67%
UV Index 4
12 mph winds
lots of maggot activity -
Day 8
Temp: 79º F
Humidity: 79%
UV Index: Moderate 5
Very juicy, lots of maggots, and some beetles
Bones are showing as well -
Day 9
Temp: 73º F
Humidty: 87%
UV index 6
A new wave of maggots 1 cm long and flies at 2 cm
Full skeletal structure revealed
Wooton can be quoted saying with excitment "it looks like turkey soup!"